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Some cards yet to be made



Ice Maiden Yukina


Effect: This monster cannot be played if "Hiei Jaganshi" or "Jagan Eye Hiei" is on the field. Each standby phase, controller gains 400 life points as long as this monster is on the field.


Grimreaper Botan.


Effect: When this monster is normal summoned or Flip summoned. If "Yusuke Yurimeshi" is in the graveyard. Special summon "Spirit Detective Yusuke" from your hand or deck.


Young Lord Koenma


He may look young, but he is strong for his size.


Spirit Egg


Effect: Activate if "Young Lord Koenma" is on the field. Special summon "Spirit Detective Yusuke" from your hand, deck or graveyard.

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Ghost isn't an actual type.


Ice Maiden Yukina: This card cannot be Summon unless there is a face-up "Hiei" monster on the field. During each of your Standby Phases, gain 400 Life Points.


Grim Reaper Botan: When this monster is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, if "Yusuke Yurameshi" exists in either player's graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Spirit Detective Yusuke" from your hand or Deck.

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