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Darklord Zerato

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Turns any dark monster into Raigeki. Bannable.


Levia Dragon - Daedalus turns Umi into an atom bomb. Neo Ocean Dragon Lord upgrades that Atom Bomb. They haven't been banned yet. Levia Dragon would f*** this.


Still......awsome art is awsome.


Levia doesnt have an easier tribute effect.

and Neo Ocean is just crap >_>

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Turns any dark monster into Raigeki. Bannable.


Levia Dragon - Daedalus turns Umi into an atom bomb. Neo Ocean Dragon Lord upgrades that Atom Bomb. They haven't been banned yet. Levia Dragon would f*** this.


Still......awsome art is awsome.


You can run 3 Umis/Oceans. You can run as many DARKs as you'd like (though 20 or less would be practical). Levia Dragon is like DLZ except that it nukes your field too except for itself and needs Umi as fodder, which is a lot harder to get than a DARK monster. Neo-Daedalus can only be Summoned by Tributing Daedalus. 'Nuff said.

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Turns any dark monster into Raigeki. Bannable.


Levia Dragon - Daedalus turns Umi into an atom bomb. Neo Ocean Dragon Lord upgrades that Atom Bomb. They haven't been banned yet. Levia Dragon would f*** this.


Still......awsome art is awsome.


Levia doesnt have an easier tribute effect.

and Neo Ocean is just crap >_>


Neo Ocean can actually be used to create a variant of Yata-Lock, as evidenced by a JD deck of that exact type.

The effect of Neo Ocean can be copied by POC, and also a dedicated deck can make it very easy to summon.

This card is not dead, it was just looking for a new use.

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PoC's banworthy' date=' [b']ODL isn't[/b]. Yata's banworthy, ODL isn't.




ODL is like Chaos Emperor Dragon. Banworthy with or without Phantom of Chaos banned. As is Norleras.


As for DLZ. Turns any DARK monster into Raigeki and it is a beatstick with 2800 ATK. If DLZ isn't banworthy, then my username isn't Judgment Dragon.

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PoC's banworthy' date=' [b']ODL isn't[/b]. Yata's banworthy, ODL isn't.




ODL is like Chaos Emperor Dragon. Banworthy with or without Phantom of Chaos banned. As is Norleras.


As for DLZ. Turns any DARK monster into Raigeki and it is a beatstick with 2800 ATK. If DLZ isn't banworthy, then my username isn't Judgment Dragon.

Darklord Zerato is banworthy. Phantom of Chaos is banworthy. Ocean Dragon Lord Neo Daedalus is not.

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PoC's banworthy' date=' [b']ODL isn't[/b]. Yata's banworthy, ODL isn't.




ODL is like Chaos Emperor Dragon. Banworthy with or without Phantom of Chaos banned. As is Norleras.



Summoning conditions matter. ODL needs a Levia Dragon as a Tribute, without PoC he's unplayable. Norleras however is listworthy as it's Summoning req is much easier to fulfill. ODL is not like Chaos Emperor Dragon because its Summoning condition and effect cost are much harder to fulfill than Emperor's.

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PoC's banworthy' date=' [b']ODL isn't[/b]. Yata's banworthy, ODL isn't.




ODL is like Chaos Emperor Dragon. Banworthy with or without Phantom of Chaos banned. As is Norleras.



Summoning conditions matter. ODL needs a Levia Dragon as a Tribute, without PoC he's unplayable. Norleras however is listworthy as it's Summoning req is much easier to fulfill. ODL is not like Chaos Emperor Dragon because its Summoning condition and effect cost are much harder to fulfill than Emperor's.


ODL's summoning condition is not actually that hard to fulfill. special summon Levia, then summon ODL. Really, if you think that's hard, then your not building the right deck.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Seems this topic has derailed into a Daedalus/Neo Daedalus topic. (WTF, Spell Check identified Daedalus as a real word? 0_o)


In any case, I believe that since the card requires quite a bit of deck dedication (the use of Umi/Legendary Ocean) as well as an easy way to get it into the grave.


This might actually be a pretty fun discussion, more fun the Darklord Zerato anyway. Is Daedalus/Neo Daudalus banworthy? Is it banworthy with/without PoC?

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It isn't banworthy; summonin' conditions (as well as its inevitable self-mutilation) matter here.

What summon condition? The fact that you need to tribute something or use a card to special summon it? That isn't that hard of a summon conditionto fulfill. The self-mutilation only comes into play when you use his effect, and, odds are, you won't use his effect unless you can win right then and their, so the self-mutilation will rarely come into play.


On the Neo Daedalus topic, it comes down to if a card that can nuke everything but itself should be allowed to remain in the game, and the answer is no since that is all it can do and the game losses nothing from that loss.

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What summon condition? The fact that you need to tribute something or use a card to special summon it? That isn't that hard of a summon condition to fulfill. The self-mutilation only comes into play when you use his effect, and, odds are, you won't use his effect unless you can win right then and their, so the self-mutilation will rarely come into play.


It is a hard condition to fulfill; look at The Creator, for instance. No one would deny that if it is a LV4 monster, it would be banworthy due to its accessibility and its relative ease of summonin'. But I hear no one hankerin' for The Creator's ban, right? It is because the otherwise banworthy effect it has (generic revival) is balanced by its bein' an insufferable LV8.


I make the same case for Darklord Zerato for precisely that reason, as I stated: that its summonin' condition, while ridiculously easy on paper, is less so on reality.

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PoC's banworthy' date=' [b']ODL isn't[/b]. Yata's banworthy, ODL isn't.




ODL is like Chaos Emperor Dragon. Banworthy with or without Phantom of Chaos banned. As is Norleras.



Summoning conditions matter. ODL needs a Levia Dragon as a Tribute, without PoC he's unplayable. Norleras however is listworthy as it's Summoning req is much easier to fulfill. ODL is not like Chaos Emperor Dragon because its Summoning condition and effect cost are much harder to fulfill than Emperor's.


ODL's summoning condition is not actually that hard to fulfill. special summon Levia, then summon ODL. Really, if you think that's hard, then your not building the right deck.


The only cards that can Special Summon Levia are Monster Gate, Monster Reborn, and Reasoning. All of which are Limited, and very few Water Decks run Monster Gate and Reasoning, for the sole reason that Levia's the only thing you'll get from them, and your chances of running into a Levia aren't even all that great. Then you need ALO for the effect req. If a 4-card combo with 1 Limited Card can't OTK, it isn't worth it. You're the one "not building the right Deck." If you're going to build a Deck based on a 4-card combo, build an OTK Deck.

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