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Saturn of Elemia

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It's only a minor loss. The gun only does 200 points of damage you know


And how many points of health do you HAVE in Doom 3? If that were going on the original standards, that explosion would kill you even if you had found a Soulsphere - unless you had 200% Armor or something (but you'd still be reeling pretty bad). Regardless, you shouldn't charge it up for that long anyway...


I'd rather fire a Rocket Launcher at point blank range and splatter the demon than have a BFG blow up on me.

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you get a max of 125 armor and 100 health.


And firing a rocket launcher at point blank range on nightmare difficulty I think is instant death even at max armor and health


Ah, I see they changed it. In the others, you could get 200% Health and Armor.


And on Nightmare in the others, it wasn't instant death if you did that on Nightmare mode. They didn't weaken your character or up the damage done by the enemies like in other FPS games, all they did was add the spawning and increase amount of enemies to Nightmare.

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I killed a hellknight with a pistol. Doom 4 will be epic! P.s I HATE COCODEMON!!!!!


Such a shame that a Hellknight falls to a pistol, isn't it? Normally, I just use the pistol to get the enemies to start hitting each other. Works surprisingly well.


The cool thing about Cacodemons is that you can easily kill them with your fists or the chainsaw if done right. They won't have a chance to bite you up close or anything.

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Can't get enough of it. I still play the original games on a regular basis now using the Skulltag sourceport (which modernises the game without compromising the classic graphics), not to mention the insane abundance of mods you can get O.O

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I've seen all sorts of mods for the game. Wish I had the Level Creator so I could make some myself.


I heard that there was a mod for Doom 3 that gave you the Hello Kitty Flashlight. I don't know what I should be more afraid of - the dark of the light?


The dark you'll get used to it after a little while. I did on my first try

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I've seen all sorts of mods for the game. Wish I had the Level Creator so I could make some myself.


I heard that there was a mod for Doom 3 that gave you the Hello Kitty Flashlight. I don't know what I should be more afraid of - the dark of the light?


The dark you'll get used to it after a little while. I did on my first try


The darkness factor wasn't bad in the other games if you had the brightness turned up all the way. Even in Doom 64 (the darkest one I've played), you could see everything perfectly - even the Spectres (which were much harder to see in this game as opposed to the others). I don't think that was really the case with Doom 3, though. (Thank goodness that Spectres weren't in Doom 3)

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show me a pic. The Doom 3 chainsaw had only one' date=' but that was fine by me. Killed everything just fine (though I haven't tried to challenge the Hellknights with it yet)





You're better off not trying to use the Chainsaw against a Hellknight or Baron of Hell. They can still scratch and punch you while you're hitting them, unlike the other enemies.


Oh, and the two blades don't do any additional damage.

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please. One of my friends fought a hellknight with his bare fists (without the hell cube that gives you the 1 hit KO move for a while)


If you can circle-strafe perfectly, then it's easier. Having the Berserk stempack powerup also helps. Overall, not a smart idea to go with a chainsaw or fists. Most average players would get slaughtered trying it.


I prefer the pistol or shotgun myself.

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