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Saturn of Elemia

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That's because those do far too little damage against enemies.


There was no point for it


as i said' date=' you obviously do not know how to skillfully use the grabber. Its a 1 hit kill 4 90% of enemies.



Ok fine, but that doesn't matter.


I beat the game on nightmare, and that's what counts

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That's because those do far too little damage against enemies.


There was no point for it


as i said' date=' you obviously do not know how to skillfully use the grabber. Its a 1 hit kill 4 90% of enemies.



Ok fine, but that doesn't matter.


I beat the game on nightmare, and that's what counts


I am in hell right now.

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Yeah that's the level I use the grabber the most since I have the most trajectories to throw back.


You'd think when the demons see this strategy enough they'd learn not to attack with fireballs anymore


I wish I had teh soul cube.

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The one hit KO from the Hellstone can compensate just fine.


Lasts longer than the soulcube' date=' and the enemies aren't so numberous with the lack of health that you'd need the cube for health anyway



speaking of that I don't like the imp clones. There annoying.

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