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Saturn of Elemia

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Quite possibly one of the better FPS game series ever made. Gotta love being able to blow the spawns of Hell back to.....Hell.


Which game(s) in the series was/were your favorite? Also, which demon was your favorite?


Personally, I'm still a fan of the original. It had the best storyline IMO.

As for favorite demon, I like the Cacodemons.

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In the original in the first stage of Episode 3, you are left with a pistol to take out 2 Cacodemons in the beginning (if you're playing on Ultra Violence. You have to basically try and get the 2 Cacodemons to hurt each other to save ammo.


Hellknights are a pain. They are just weaker versions of the Barons of Hell in 1,2, Doom 64, and Final Doom.

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At least you were given the option of a flashlight in Doom 3. There was no such option in Doom 64 and you often found yourself walking around in ABSOLUTE darkness - even if you had the brightness turned up on your TV and in the options. Not the best position to be in when there were Spectres on the loose...


On another note, another cheap enemy in the Doom series was the Revenant. With those homing rockets and a mean right hook, they were a pain to deal with. The good side was that their endurance was low and they were good crowd clearers if you could turn them on the other demons.

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The original and the 64 versions were the only ones that scared me when I played them. Now, I just laugh when I blow the demons to bits with my Super Shotgun. The Chainsaw was also a nice weapon to use. The coolest one was the 64 version since it had 2 blades.


The message when you got it was also cool: Find some meat!

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Wasn't Nightmare mode FUN? No cheating and respawning enemies! :O

(At least it gave you a warning before you chose it' date=' though)



Doom3 had no such mode made


That's a shame. Nightmare Mode was one of the Doom franchises's specialties. A mode where a BFG9000 won't take you very far (provided you manage to live long enough to actually find one) is something to fear.


And we all know what BFG stands for, now don't we? =P

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yeah well I never really found the BFG 9000 as versatile as it seems in Doom 3. Unless you fully charge up the shot' date=' the Hellknight will survive the blow



Unless you hit a Hellknight or a Baron of Hell directly with the blast in the other games, they were going to survive the shot. The splash damage would've done quite a number on them, though. Any other enemy would get slaughtered by it (except for an Archvile unless it was RIGHT next to the initial blast).

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