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Digimon: Yggdrasil's Revenge! [Started! still accepting]

Gir: Ruler of Tacoz

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ooc: ok...like i mentiond i'm starting in the Digital World, but notwith you guys. you guys started by being transpoted into the Digi-Wolrd(with Digimon) and meeting eachother for the first time


oh and to make in more fun...once you hit ultimate you can merge with one of your Digimon for a battle(30 minute limit)


"aww man, another 26 swarms..." Tasaki said with a hid of annoyance "well...more fun for us!" yelled MetalGarurumon X ans he shot the Data Lurkers "well...i'm ok with it! as long as were alive after!" comented WarGrowlmon X with some anger "Yahoo! nothing like shooting practise!!!"

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OoC: I thought I said my character already met his Digimon? He was 18, and he had met them at the age of 12. Oh, well, hope it´s Ok if I start like this. If not, i´ll change it:


Fredrik was getting up from bed. He stretched himself a bit, as he walked over to the bed next to him. "Hey, sleepy heads! Wake up!" he said, as something began to move under the quilt. Out of the bed stepped a Renamon and a Veemon, both of them a bit tired. "What is it??" Renamon yawned. "We´re leaving for the Digi-World, that´s what!" Fredrik replied, as he aimed his Digi-Vice towards his laptop, which activated automatically. "Open, Digi-Portal!" he shouted, as the room lit up, as he, Renamon and Veemon were sucked inside the laptop and transported to te Digi-World.

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ooc: i didn't explain very well but...you and your didgmon got to the digiworld and you meet the other Tamers for the first time...


Tasaki started to merge with MetalGarurumon X "Bio-Merge go!" Tasaki and MetalGarurumon X merged together "i never have any fun!" she started to shoot the Data Lurkers but the kept on comeing "well..." "Garuru Burst!" all of MetalGarurumon X's weapons fired at the Data Lurkers as they retreated


ooc:...i'm going to add nicknames...takes to long for me to typer my digimons names EDIT: its optinal!

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OoC: Oh!


As they arrived, they saw that the Digi-World was corrupted. "What?! What´s happened?!" Veemon said worried. "It´s...all ruined..." Renamon said shocked. "Hey! Look over there!" they noticed a girl merge with her MetalGarurumon X and shoot off some weird creatures. "We must help her!!" Fredrik implied, as he, Veemon and Renamon charged in to help. "Power Paw!!!" Renamon shouted, as her hands and feet started to glow with blue, ghost-like flames. She jumped up, and kicked one of the creature´s head straight off.

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Fredrik was starled, as Renamon landed in the middle of Data Lurkers. He grabbed one of his Digi-Vices, and it started to glow. "Now, Renamon!" he shouted, as Renamon started to glow. "Renamon, Digivolve to......Kyubimon!!!" she evolved to Kyubimon, as Fredrik and Veemon jumped up on her back. "Let´s go!" he yelled, as Kyubimon slashed and teared the Data Lurkers with ease.

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ooc: oh i see...you doind the digimon adventurs thing(stay rookie, and digivolve)

ooc: you can code your didimon


GigiShot X="hi"

KingBlade X="hi"

Yggdrasil (X)="hi"


"DAMN IT!!" GigaShot X saw more rookies comeing "crap!" Tasaki yelled she she saw GigaShots X was badly injured "i'll live...its just...argh!...a scratch" "GigiShot X! Let me Go!" "...fine..." Tasaki dis-merged with GigaShot X and merged with KingBlade X "wheres the main root!?" KingBlade X started slashing at the Data Lurker roots killing most of the Data Lurkers in the area

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Veemon then jumped off Kyubimon, as Fredrik´s second Digi-Vice began to glow, and a small terminal in his pocket vibrated. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to......Raidramon, The Storm of Friendship!" Fredrik then jumped up on Raidramon, as he speeded towards the Data Lurkers surrounding Metalgarurumon X. "Blue Thunder!!" a large electric blast bursted from Raidramon´s horn, as all of the Lurkers in fron were destroyed. He then landed in front of Metalgarurumon X triumphantly. "Heh! Simple as that!"

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"not so easy for a vetran of Yggdrasil's first attempt!" Gigashot X stood up and unleashed 5 Garuru Bursts at once killing all the Data Lurkers "wow...thats motivation!" "Bio-Merge! Disengage!" Tasaki unmerged with KingBlade X"great work guys!" she ranover to GigaShot X to see if he was ok "here, have some code!" she downlaoded some Fractal Code into GigaShot and he was as good as new "thanks...and, who are you!?" he yelled in rage "don't mind him...he gets like this sometimes..."

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OoC: A little better grammar?


Fredrik jumped off Raidramon, as he and Kyubimon changed back to Veemon and Renamon. "I´m Fredrik Caryston! These are my fellas Renamon and Veemon! We just got here, and now we hope to get some answers on what´s going on around here! Why is The Digi-World corrupted?"


OoC: I got to go. See you tomorrow!

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OOC: Drat, I'm late...


Noela glanced down at the tiny bee sitting on her computer keyboard. If it had been a year earlier, she would have torn through the house screaming, later begging her mom to kill it. But thanks to Fanbeemon, her fear of bugs was gone. She simply slapped down on the keyboard with a tissue and squished it. Fanbeemon winced.

"Do you have to do that every time?" she asked, not daring to look at the guts of her real-world counterpart.

"Sorry," Noela apologized. "I just don't want it to sting anyone."

"It's for the good of us all," Ryudamon spoke up in his usual wiseman fashion. "I would rather have the bee die quickly than it dieing a slow, painful death as it's organs ooze from it body and causing pain to someone else in the process."

Fanbeemon stopped quivering. "Point taken." Then she noticed something on the screen. "Hey, Noela, what's up with the portal?"

She followed her digimon's gaze and noticed that the digiportal (that just refused to be deleted) had opened.

"Ah, crud."

And a short flash of light later, they were in the digital world.

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Noela looked around, confused. What button did she hit when she squashed that bee? Fanbeemon was right- she probably shouldn't have done that. Maybe next time she can just coax it into a cup or something...

"Noela, what happened here?" Ryudamon asked. That's when I realized that everything was completely burnt and blown up.

"Um, I think it dropped us off in a ruin," she guessed.

"No, this isn't a ruin," Fanbeemon said. "I know this place. Something happened here. Something bad."


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Omnimon was fighting off some DataLurkers in the area he looked at Noela and got his Garuru Cannon ready to fire at them "must...survive..." he mutterd weakly

Tasaki, GigaShot X,and KingBlade X where walking away when the saw Task Canyon "it's been so long since the Yaggdrasil launched his DexDoruGreymon raid..." he sounded slightly sad "you becoming soft again!?" Tasaki said as she walked down the mountain pass " Tasaki, give him a break...i fought here to...as Gallantmon X...that was a grim battle..." Tasaki stretched as she walked "WarGreymon X...him and i...we were good friends untill Yggdrasil came back..." "what happens after you captured by Data Lurkers?"[/i]

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