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Amazing Adventures Of Fantasy(Members Of ACEM)


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Ooc:I know i have changed it and the bosses become extremly powerful in number 2 worlds

To The people in megaman world 2:"You cannot fight me or you could but you would lose easily.My name is Metalman and here are my stats:Level 7 HB:450 SB:600 Attacks:Metal Fist Damage:100 Sb used:100' date='Metal Trasher Damage:120 SB:140,Steel Block Blocks 2 Attacks SB used:70.Weapons:Steel Cutters Damage:230 SB used:300 and my last attack is Material Recovery:Recovers 100 SB

To Shradow:You can fight a subboss here are his stats.Heartless Knight Level:3 Hb:200 SB:250 Attacks:Shadow Blade Damage:90 Sb used:100,Heart Take away you lose 25% of your HB Sb used:60,and last one is Heart Blaster Damage:150 Sb used:140



OoC: Since I can face a subboss, does that mean I'm lvl 4 now, because the first post says you can face bosses when you get to lvl 4.


OoC: What does the Heartless Knight look like? Is it the guy who's pic I showed you? If so, it's name is Darkside.

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To Shradow:I just made up the name and dont know what he looks like.You can fight the bosses on level 4 not subbosses and Heartless Knight is a subboss.So do you want to fight hm yes or no?

To Rule's:They are fighting metalman and they are losing kinda

To Everyone battling Metalman:Stats:Metalman Hb:180 Sb:400

Silver:Hb:225 Sb:105

Mistgun:Hb:200 Sb:105

Lelouch:Hb:100 SB:80

Metalman Attacks again with another Metal Explosion

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OOc:You guys played when i sayed not to attackbut that is ok anyway here are the new stats Also if you have any questions on the damage each person took just ask

Metalman: HB:35 SB:300

Silver: HB:125 SB:5

Lelouch: HB:0 SB:80

Mistgun: HB:100 SB:15

Magnamon: HB:50 SB:75

Metalman has few energy left so he attacks with another explosion"Hahahaha How are you going to block this!!"

[spoiler=Message to all of you(READ!!!!!)]

From now on There can only be three people fighting one boss because it is to easy for you guys to win and i have to make it challenging.You can make teams or when you fight the boss the first two others to join the fight can but any more will not be accepted


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