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Metal Sonic cards. updated

Blade Knight

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IMO Neo Metal Sonic should be a fusion card or have special summoning conditions. E.g. Metal Sonic + XXX


Also the effects are pretty broken. 200+ ATK & DEF every draw phase equals overpowered.


You should also make a Metal Madness and Metal Overlord cards.


And where did you get that Super Neo Metal Sonic picture from? It looks cool XD.

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IMO Neo Metal Sonic should be a fusion card or have special summoning conditions. E.g. Metal Sonic + XXX


Also the effects are pretty broken. 200+ ATK & DEF every draw phase equals overpowered.


You should also make a Metal Madness and Metal Overlord cards.


And where did you get that Super Neo Metal Sonic picture from? It looks cool XD.


Yeah i'm trying to work on the Metal Overlord but theres hardly any good pictures of him :(


but try and make then less powerful or have more summoning conditions :)

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