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Plaguespreader Zombie

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This RP has been requested by Christian Exodia/Devon Jones.


Anyway, this is exactly what it says on the Title. A Survivor Rp Sign-Up Thread. This is only the Sign-Up thread, the story will get more in deep later during the real RP.





Name (First and last):

Appearence (Please use a pic):







[spoiler=My Characters Form]

Name (First and last): Cay Brendan

Appearence (Please use a pic): XIII_Order_09_Demyx.jpg

Age: 18

Skills: Fishing, Hunter-Gathering

Bio: Cay is an orphaned boy...with 3 eyes. He was blinded in his the third, which formely gave him Psychic Abilities. He has competed on TDI and decided to come here when he heard Christian was on the show


I used my old TDI character from my RPs



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OOC: NOES!!!! Only I can use :mrgreen:!!!!!!!!!!



Ok...after thinking long and hard, I'll join.


Name (First and last): Chester Bradforth

Appearence (Please use a pic): Lucien.jpg


Skills: Strong, easy to like, smart.

Bio: Chester is from NYC and he always went camping alone and with friends in the Catskill mountains to challenge himself. He joins Surivor to make new freinds and to test his new abilities as a survivalist.

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