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Sponsorship Trading Store: Earn loads of reps or points!!

Black Rose Phoenix®

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This isn't a graphic shop it's actually a business trade, it's actually a sponsorship which you may have gathered from the title...

this thread allows members to donate to other members shops to help their business in their shop.


If you want to donate points to a shop for my employees pay (or other), you may request a total of 3 reps (max) a fortnight from that member.


If you want to advertise a shop in your sig or shop, you may request 10 points a week or 3 reps a fortnight...


If you just want to be generous and donate points or advertise for nothing, well thanks...your a good person...


Try to help as many people as you can, and try and make an agreement with people that is fair.




If you'd like to sponsor a shop please, fill out the appropriate form;






[spoiler=Get a Sponsor:]


Your shop (if you would like to put in your sig, leave blank):

How many points would you like:

If you don’t want points,

How many reps would you like:

If you don’t’ want any, and you would just like to help, leave blank.





[spoiler=People looking for sponsors: 2]

[spoiler=Black Rose Phoenix®]

A link to my shop: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-84141.html

I will accept and negotiate anything, i don't feel very appreciated and i can't let my workers go without, i need more customers, and get my business back on track.




I want someone to sponosr my shop. The form cofused me a bit so i'll make my own.


Username: Zaca

My shop link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-67825.html

Type of sponsor: Any (reps, points or advertise.)

What I will give in return for donations: Any amount of reps you would like as long as it's 3 or under (if any.)

What I will give in return for advertising in sig/club, etc: 10 points a week or any amount of reps uoi like as long as it's under 3.


Donations encourage me to work harder beacuse it makes me feel that people appriaciate my work.

I would like some people to advertise my shop because since I shut it for a few days, it's been less popular.









[spoiler=Sponsor a shop:]


How many points would you like to donate:


How would you like to advertise:

How many reps would you like in return (leave blank if you would just like to donate):

Which shop would you like to sponsor (please make sure it's in the above list):






[spoiler=currently sponsoring: 1]

[spoiler=Imperial Blaze:]

Who's shop you are sponsoring: Black Rose Phoenix®

How are you sponsoring: Advertising in my club












[spoiler=Previous donators:]

Infinity Sparker - 1500 points












Please help other people as much as you can.




Thank you for your support.

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I want someone to sponosr my shop. The form cofused me a bit so i'll make my own.


Username: Zaca

My shop link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-67825.html

Type of sponsor: Any (reps, points or advertise.)

What I will give in return for donations: Any amount of reps you would like as long as it's 3 or under (if any.)

What I will give in return for advertising in sig/club, etc: 10 points a week or any amount of reps uoi like as long as it's under 3.


Donations encourage me to work harder beacuse it makes me feel that people appriaciate my work.

I would like some people to advertise my shop because since I shut it for a few days, it's been less popular.

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I would like to sponsor your shop.


Name: Zaca

How many points would you like to donate:


How would you like to advertise: In my sig and shop.

How many reps would you like in return (leave blank if you would just like to donate): 3

Which shop would you like to sponsor (please make sure it's in the above list): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-84141.html (Black Rose Phoenix®)

How long I will sponsor for: 3 weeks.

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