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Reverse Rebirth

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SPAM, stands for Stupid, Pointless and Annoying Messages (or for "Something Posing As Meat", but that's beside the point).


What constitutes or defines SPAM? Here's a helpful definition.


* Freakishly short Posts : Stuff like "Yes", "Okay", "I don't know", "We know that", et cetera. If you don't have anything to say in a topic, don't do so. If someone asks a question, for cryin' out loud, DON'T say you don't know the answer! If you don't have anything important to say - don't say it.


* Pointless Posts : Posts that have NOTHING to do with the topic. At all. If the conversation sways off topic, that's one thing. If it's just starting a whole new topic with no connection to last one, start a new freakin' thread, or keep it to yourself. And keep topics where they belong. Don't post a question asking about avatar help on the general Pokemon discussion board.


* Return Appearances: Aka "Didn't I just see that one a few pages ago?" Please, people, do yourselves a favor and check if there isn't a thread having to do with what you're about to post. If you're asking a question, see no one asked it before you and you're missing out on an answer. And If you start a thread just to say you caught a certain legendary pokemon with an Ultra ball, when there is already a thread about this particular Pokemon - THAT is also SPAM, and it belongs in that thread.


* Conversational Posts : These are akin to a guy talking loudly on his cell phone during a club meeting. You're here to discuss topics with all the members of the board. If you want to talk to someone in specific - USE PRIVATE MESSAGES. Or Email. Or AIM. Or ICQ. Or any other freakin' IM program. Don't waste space on the board.


That's it. Avoid doing that and you'll be pretty much fine. SPAM will be swiftly dealt with, as stated in the rule topic.


We wish you a SPAM-free enjoyable stay at the forums.


~ Your friendly neighborhood guy Derek.


P.S. Not as bad but, don't double post it's very annoying!

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