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Temple of the Kaiser[Closed, now hiring]


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Welcome to the Temple of the Kaiser


i have found a new style with gimp, a brushless sig.

my only example of this is



this style is the same price as any of my other ones,

if you would like any changes to this style for your order please state when ordering


Notice Board:

1: With the lost of my last shop i felt the need to reopen, with access to the internet 24/7 i can now keep my shop alive unlike the last one

2. I do have a life outside of ycm, due to this i do have school, work, and rl friends...weekends i should be online much more, though some days on the weekends i will not be online. Please be patient when i am gone.

3. Having recreating my own shop i am working on updating all of the examples/items. My hottest shop item used to be splices...is now characters holding cards...i don't understand why but...meh.

we are open.

[spoiler=Now Hiring]

I am looking for someone to help run my shop while im offline and keep up with customers.

What I Need: just 1 worker for now, somone able to keep up with the orders while i am away.

Must be able to do the following: Sigs, Boosters...either work..both is bettter

hopefully you can follow the form already set in my shop, if not you can make your own...

Price you charge: for these to things i charge about 3-15 for sigs, and 2-5 for boosters....you can make your own price but please not to expensive

Payment: you make whatever you receive from the customers...but once a week i will give you 5-10 points as payment.

Examples: I need to see atleast 2 examples of whatever your applying for.

Times Available For Work: Im hoping you'll be available while im gone...or able to be online for large periods of time...atleast to see the orders and do them while your offline.

please pm me with the form to join


Waiting list

if full, no orders will be added






Orders Done:

1.Kaden's Sig

2. Legend Zero's Sig



1.No Spamming

2.No Double Post

3.When or If i am hiring it will be stated in the title, otherwise don't ask

4.please be Patient with the orders.



Character holding cards

Character you want:Jaden, Fudo, Chazz, Zane, Kaiba

Card you want holding:

price:3 pts.





Pokemon-which ones, number and name

base pkmn:

Price- 3 points[for each pkmn after 2 add 2 pts]



Custom Poke'balls

Pokemon-this decides the Color of the ball

Price-1 pts


Extra: seeing as these are mainly recolors for 2 extra pts i will add parts of the pkmn to the ball




Render url:

Price 3-20 pts depending on difficulty

examples:l //


Custom Avatars:

Picture: (Url)

Text: Names???

Price- 2 points



Booster Pack


Price:2-5 points

style:No styles anymore, just plain




Picture: (URL)

Color: Red,Purple,Green,Orange,Dark Green, Blue

Price- 2 points

Examples:no example at this time





Render: for best quality must be small

Price: free-5 pts






Sub Text:

Text Glow: Yes/No

Style: one of the four bottom choices;


Gimp c4d'd

gimp normal

New Style

price:3-15 pts

border thickness:

Size: please state, otherwise it will be 400x150

examples:i cannot figure out whats wrong with the banner links, under co

photoshop :

gimp (c4d'd) :

Gimp (normal) :



Notice: with banners i have different styles and different programs you have a choice

Gimp or photoshop

with gimp i can do much more much faster and the outcome is very nice

with photoshop i am still learning and these probably wont come out as nice



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