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Halo I


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I went to my friends yesterday to play Halo 1 so we played it on multiplayer and loaded the last level. Difficult but awesome. You have to go to the bridge of this ships to self-destruct it and then make your way to a bridge to escape by ship (You are also having to do random missions in between and have enemies such as The Flood) but everytime I got to the part where you have to escape in a car type-thing in a time limit and everytime he drives, he either runs me over at the start or drives off without me and he never makes it without a gunner. We won eventually with a run to the end. I think the classics are the best! Discuss Halo 1's awesomeness.

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I had fun challenging my friend and killing him with a rocket launcher ^_^


Shoot the feet. I can't believe the stupidity of the people who want headshots with a rocket launcher...


The only thing I didn't like was that the vehicles were immortal.


Me and my friend decided to have a shootdown. He faced each other and stepped back by 10 steps. We both had shotguns and counted from 5. When he said 1 I changed to a Rocket Launcher and blew him up.

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