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Grandville-An RPG of Zombie Survival (PG-13) l Sign Up Started l Rep to the first three people!


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This RP is all about survival. There will be 10 "chapters" that you have to battle hordes of the undead through. This will probably definitely be at least PG-13, so children are advised to not join.



Neo-Tech Industries. The leader in biological research, they pioneered science down to the food we eat. Even though they had branches throughout the world, Neo-Tech (or NT) still did a majority of their experiments here, in Grandville City.

Things were prosperous here, until NT decided to mess with something they shouldn't have. They had descovered a virus. Or, it is more like they redescovered a virus. Surpisingly, our bodies had built up a defense to it so deep, it was in our very genes. Obviously humans had been exposed to it before, and evolved to become 100% immune.

There were rumours about NT, ones that told of the horrible experiments they performed on animals and humans alike. So, without a human test subject, they infected three dobermans.

What resulted was horrendous.

The dobermans exhibited a sudden increase in strength and violent activity. They thrashed against their cages hard enough to tear muscle and shatter bone.

After a day, the dogs died.

Trying to determine what was wrong with the dogs, they tested the virus on more animals, and threw the dog corpses out.

The corpses just laid there for a day, then they got up.

It isn't known who got bitten first, but, after just a week, the entire Grandville city was overrun by Zombies.

The US government, extremely aware of this outbreak, declared a quarentine on the entire city, putting up massive barricades in a matter of days.

Who knows how many zombies and humans escaped then. All that is important now is survival, and hopefully salvation.




You can choose from one of the following classes, but your character will be randomly generated.

To make this a little realistic, most of your stats will be unkown (except for skills and sight), but it will be kept fair (curtousey of Random.org)



Private-Specializes in physical combat, but lacks in Intelligence. Comes with a pistol, spare clips, and a radio

Medic-Has both combat and medical experiance. While not as adept in either like a Private or Doctor, it seems like a balanced class. Comes with First-Aid Kits, Flare Gun, and a radio

Scout-Is faster than most other classes. Comes with a Pistol, Flare Gun, Flashlight, and a Radio



Consumer-Just a regular person. Malls and other such supply areas are known instictively to people like this. Comes with a random weapon, a random item, and a phone.

Student-A student of Grandville College/High School/Middle School. Usually bright and resourcefull. Comes with a random weapon, random Item, and a phone.

Farmer-Master of all things food, this class is not as powerfull as a Private, but knows where to find weaponry. Comes with Shotgun, 6 shells, and a random item.


Civil Servant

Firefighter-A person who lives to stop fire. Very athletic. Comes with a Fire Axe and a flashlight.

Police Officer-A person of the law. Comes with a Pistol, a baton, and 1 spare clip.


Neo-Tech Employee

Doctor-A medical specialist, and very intelligant. Lacks physical traits, though. Comes with 3 First Aid Kits and a random weapon.

Surgeon-One of the few left. He specializes with most hand blades. Some Medical experiance. Comes with Scalpel and a First-Aid kit.

Security Guard-Gaurding the entrance to Neo-Tech. People in this class have, surprisingly, military-like training. Comes with a Pistol, a Flashlight, and 1 spare clip.



Delinquant-A rude, violent, child that still manages to survive. Years of running from the law have made him fast. Comes with a Spray Paint Can, Lighter, and a random item.




Sign-up Sheet


Character Name:






Username: Prometheus

Character Name: John Doe

Age: 26

Class: Farmer

Appearance: Black hair that hangs over eyes. Casual t-shirt and jeans. Tennis shoes.

Personality: Cynical most of the time, but occasionally shows signs of sincerity.





Enrise-Rokujo Miharu

Devon Jones-Christian Levesque

Supercardman101-Aquoda Lance

Fenrir's Herald-Auster Kiryu



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I'll save it for you.


Username: Isn't it obvious? Look at the top of this post, right next to the picture, above the stars and title.

Character Name: Rokujo Miharu [Call him Geno Killer!!]

Age: 13

Class: Security Guard

[spoiler=Appearance:] Emo_boy_by_neko_rulz.jpg


Personality: Despite him being a bit small to be a Security Guard, he has great strength and as well as intelligence. Because of this, he has once gone insane, but was under the impression of drugs from the Zombie outbreak's beginning. When he overcame the drugs, he had no choice but to fight the Zombies while in the middle of them, and flee from any further damage he might risk. He was call Geno Killer because of this.

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Username: Juvinielle

Character Name: Christian Levesque

Age: 12

Class: Delequient(Framed 3 times, got tough there)

Appearance: Later

Personality: Christian is a Former Delequient who was sent 3 times because of being framed(For stealing the WWE Championship, which after the third time, a fourth time almost happened but he ran out of the crowd & stopped him by giving him a Canadian Destroyer, breaking the stealer's arm), then his name was finally cleared

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