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Mobile Suit Gundam: OverSoul [Season 2] (No more SOUL members)

Legend Zero

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"Sorry I thought that Dynames was still at the hangar in Russia." Takuya said as he typed on the computer sending out a couple of repair mobile suits he made to not only repair the ship but repairs Chris's Gundam. "I'll pay for the damages Chris." he said as he looked at Ski. "Still think its too early to retire from the SOUL buisiness?"

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the SOUL boardmembers where leaving as they didn't belive Tasaki "damn bastards! wait till they get ambushed by it...then they'll beleve me!" she said as she stormed out of the office and back into the Emperor GX 'Earth?' Tasaki nodded then the Emperor GX tookoff back to earth "i...i want to kill them sooo badly!!!"

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OOC: well...that kinda isn't true some gundams look exactly like animals. i mean Dragon gundam in flight mode turns into a dragon.



Takuya threw Hanayo into the cockpit of Big Zam causing her to activate and got into the piloting system. He started up Gundam Dynames and his two GN drives activated. "I'm ready." he said.

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Takuya got out of dynames and helped with the repair mobile suits with the ship. after one hour of non-stop work, the ship was fixed and good as new but Takuya put something extra in it. He gave Chris $500. "The ship has a GN drive and has an auto hanger open when a gundam or mibile suit activates. Use the $500 to fill up the central gas tank." he said as he got back on Dynames.

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The fighting at one of the Russian Forward Headquarters had subsided. Shots were no longer heard and everything was quiet. The unknown forces who had destroyed the base had taken notice of Chris's actions and had sent a small force of 3 mobile suits to investigate the situation.

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Takuya heard the message and traced it back to the person that said it. "Who is this? A re you the person responsible for the Russian attack?" he said as he saw 3 mobile suits and easily shot two down while he took his beam saber as well as the enemy and both sword clashed with each other.

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They look like this btw



Quickly responding to hostile attack, the remaining mobile suit was forced to retreat, giving himself cover fire.


Over the radio, there is no response only the voice repeating, "Welcome to earth"


Off in the distance and explosion is seen and heard as the Russian base is annihilated.

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ooc: wunder when LZ's going to join in?

the Mickey was Tasaki charging and moved out of the way so the slash missed "what the?!" she put her main sword away and drew 2 beam sabers as the Mickey kicked it "coutner this!" she said barrel rolling and shashing the Mickeys hull the Mickey let out a devilish chuckle and drew its HG27F-ClubHouse Beamsaber ans slashed back almost cutting the Emperor GX's left arm off

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Seeing the SOUL mobile suits, the unknown enemy quickly reordered its formation while damaged suits were taken back to some unknown location beyond the coast, presumably to some ship. The enemy commander stood in front and put away his beam saber and switch to his beam rifle.


Over the radio, the same voice continued its droning with a new voice added in directed towards Chris.


"Do not continue to resist. You'll be crushed before our forces."

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Prepared for this all enemy forces disappear as though they were never there.


The voice again is heard. "You do so at your own risk. I welcome you to earth."




The forces attacking the Big Zam suffered comparatively light damage. Though some were shot down, they continued to mob the Big Zam, man of them favoring their Beam Sabers and close combat where Takuya and the Big Zam couldn't hit them as easily.

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the Mickey split the shot with his sword and another devilish laughe came from the Mickey so Tasaki stabed the 2 beamsabers into the back of the Mickey puncturing the out the other side "take that!" the Emperor GX drew its main sword and perpared to slash the Mickey in half. but the Mickey grabed the sword mid slash and pushed it back a mile "DAMN!!!" the Emperor charged again and stabed the back again

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