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Mobile Suit Gundam: OverSoul [Season 2] (No more SOUL members)

Legend Zero

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Tasaki found the head of the Musha Gundam "no...not...you!" the Mickey was standing behind her(ooc: this is going to be an epic showdown, it will!) "why...why have you done this?" she asked starting to cry 'Lady Tasaki!' the Emperor GX rushed over to Tasaki 'Get In!' Tasaki jumped in and started to activate the GX core "i'll...I'LL KILL YOU THIS TIME!!!" she charged at the Mivkey with the main sword in the right arm "HA!" she struck the Mickey but the Mickey some how counterd the strike during mid cut the Mickey let out a few words "you...can't...let...go!"

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the Mickey FlashSteped behind the Dynames and kicked him away "this...doesn't...consern...you" the Mickey charged down at Tasaki with its HG27F-ClubHouse Beamsaber drawn charging it to max power "Takuya! leave now! this is between me and him!" yelled Tasaki as she charged her thrusters "come on...just a lil more!" the Mickey was about to slash Tasaki but she luanched her thrusters and took the Mickey on a ride "bullseye!" the Emperor GX kicked him back and slashed the Mickeys left arm off

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ooc: i'm going to copy some thing from Afro Samurai here...

The Emperor GX threw its sword away, the Micky laughed and said "Your...pathetic! why would y...ou discard you...blade?" the Mickey charged strikeing, laughing insanely while Tasaki was slient dowing most of the strikes "why...? whay do th...is to your self!?" he yelled in fustration over again "why? WHY!?" The Emperor GX was badly damaged 'I May Be Damaged...But I Can Still Fight!'

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OOC: afro samurai is awesome i cant wait for the movie tomorrow.


Takuya took out one of his GN pistols and shot one of the mobile suits, destroying it. He then shot the other mobile suit but it blocked the shots with another beam saber. "This one is a good pilot. but not good enough." he shot missles at the mobile suit, destroying it.

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ooc:same here! i'm recording it tho!

ooc: spamming how?

the Mickey was kicking the Emperor GX allover the wreakage of the base "why?...why don't you...fight me?" he asked in a pissed tone "fight me... FIGHT ME OF I'LL...KILL...YOU THE...HARD WAY!!!" Tasaki was unresponsive until she saw the Mushas head, the Emperor GX got up and drew 2 beamsabers and retaliated to his strikes

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the Mickey cockpit started to open up "It's unfortunate...you had to see this" inside the cockpit was Tasaki's father merged with the Mickey "This moment...will always...haunt you!" the cockpit started to close, along with Tasaki's eyes "no...it...it can't be..." she charged at the Mickey slashing with all the power the Emperor GX had. Tasaki was starting to cry "why...why did you try to kill me?"

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While the victory gundam kept takuya busy, the Captain Issachar launched in the forbidden.


"This isn't all we've got!" yelled the victory gundam's pilot. He threw his beam sabers at the dynames and fired his arm mounted beam pistols and vulcan cannons. The beam pistols managed to hit the dynames's head mounted camera causing damage.




Meanwhile in space, the unicorn and blitz had met up with the space dreadnaught Valkyria.


OOC: if you want a list of gundams and stuff for weapon loadouts go here: http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/index.htm

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Takuya activated the GN sheild before the attack. "12% of damage taken." Haro reported. "This isn't good we're being ambushed. Activate Hanayo and Hanyu." Both Big Zam and Neue Ziel were activated and flew out to the battlefield. Nue Ziel grabbed forbidden and threw him away while Big Zam took care of the Mickey. "there we shouldn't have problems. why don't we have a one on one i dont want anything interfere." he said.

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OOC: Neue Ziel is a space mobile armor


"Crap." The victory gundam charged the neue ziel to help Issachar.


"Stay on target!" Issachar yelled. "Don't think you're done with me yet!" He regained his balance and fired his rail guns causing damage to the neue ziel.

The Launcher Strike fired the plasma launcher at the Big Zam.

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ooc: thanks for the link:)

Tasaki threw a weak grenade into the Big Zam's core "this is my fight, Takuya..." the Mickey was blocking 90% of the slashed with its beamsaber "crap! he's getting faster!" the Emperor Gundam GX started to lose power "not yet!" the backup core came online and the Mickey had a system freeze as that happend the Emperor GX cut the righ arm off the Mickey yelled "YOU CAN'T KILL ME! I DEFYED DEATH!" she shen slashed tthe cockpit in half killing the piolt and the Mickey

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The victory used its Beam Pistols to shot the missles down.


"I'm running low on power. I'm gonna have to fall back. Strike, give me cover."


"You got it!" she called back. A renewed amount of shots from the horizion aimed directly at the dynames.


Forbidden used the beam deflectors to bend the cannon fire towards the Emperor.

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"Don't think that will knock out the Stike! FULL POWER!"


She charged the plasma launcher to full and fired, the shot going right through the big zam but at the same time causing the strike to run out of power.


"Captain! I'm falling back!"


"Roger." The forbidden finished off the big zam and also began to fall back, using it's own plasma cannon to give cover.

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Takuya rushed through the explosion and used the GN sheild to sheild the damage but was still rushing. "23% of damage taken." Haro reported while Takuya shot at both gundam with the GN pistols with a special shot hitting Strike. "well theres my task." he said as he flew back toward big Zam. "Well its bad but still can be good as new in a few days." he said

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