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Legacy of White Magic


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i'm working on getting my scanner working. but i had wanted first to get an idea if the cards themselves were worth it to people other than me.

also i had misinterpreted the use of the written forum. i assumed it was for you to type in everything for the card, i didnt think it was for cards made without a pic.

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actually i have a list i've been trying to keep up to date. generally, if you look at the OCG version and it has breasts, then it is probably female. the one card i've had trouble with has been Yubel...


I have alot of cards that refer to female, because my friend is writing a fiction turning DnD campaign based around the card game and the one character uses alot of Female themed cards. so it wasn't much of an issue.


so i should post this set and others with no pics into the written forum?

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well, as this is the written cards section. not expecting pictures should be common sense. as far as overwhelming beauty and other future "Female" cards, these were made initially for a character in a fan fic a few friends and i are working on. I have a pretty comprehensive list of female cards as mentioned earlier. but for a couple of general guidelines as to what is female...

1) does it have boobs. (if you are unsure check online for the OCG version)

2) does it have Girl, Lady, Queen, or something ending with -ess in its name.

if the card you are looking at fits EITHER of these criteria. It is probably a "Female" card.

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