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Digimon: Rise of the Neo-Royal Knights

The Warden

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Despite this failing, I hope to get a bit more support this time round, as it's a good concept.


There is a time of piece and serenity in the digital world. The purified super-computer Neodrassil rules the Digital World from the Network Tree, defended by his just and loyal Royal Knights. That is, until they were attacked by the 13 Mavericks. The Mavericks are the darkest of the dark. They attacked and slew the Royal Knights converting them to digitama. They then attempted to discard the digitama of the Royal Knights into the dark ocean, but Neodrassil managed to alter the destination of the portal, sending the digitama to the human world. In their rage, they broke Neodrassil into 13 fragments, keeping each for themselves. The Digital World is now under their control, each area ruled by one of their dark hands. The only hope left is in the digitama, which have found themselves into human hands.



No god-modding

I'll pm you when your partner can digivolve further, no need to spoil things

You can have two characters if you have: Agumon & Gabumon, The Dracomons, Strabimon & Flamon or Leormon and Commandramon

If a partner is already taken, tough titties.

Also, those with two digivolution go through one line before the second.

Those with straight forward lines digivolve quicker.

If there are enough people, i'll open up for the possibility of dark tamers who're under the control of a Maverick, or the maverick's themselves.

You can reserve partners and fill out the form later. But if you wait too long the reservation will be canceled


[spoiler=The Royal Knights]

#1 - Alphamon

Name: Dorumon

Partners: Shane Maxwell

Nickname: Doru

Digivolution: Dorumon-Dorugamon-Dorugremon-Dorugoramon

Dorumon-Reptiledramon-Grademon-Alphamon-Alphamon Ouryuuken (DNA with OwRyumon)


#2 - Craniamon

Name: Candlemon


Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Candlemon-Wizardmon-Mystimon-Craniamon


#3 - LordKnightmon

Name: Hagurumon

Partner: Agas Constentine

Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Hagurumon-Guardromon-Andromon-HiAndromon



#4 - Dynasmon

Name: Ryudamon


Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Ryudamon-GinRyumon-HisyaRyumon-Dynasmon

Ryudamon-GinRyumon-HisyaRyumon-OwRyumon-Alphamon Ouryuuken (DNA with Alphamon)


#5 - Examon

Names: Dracomon & Dracomon

Partner: Zacaria Armidayle

Nicknames: Draco & Draca

Digivolutions: Dracomon-Coredramon (Green)-Groundramon-Breakdramon

Dracomon-Coredramon (Blue)-Wingdramon-Slayerdramon



#6 - Gallantmon

Name: Guilmon

Partner: Tasaki Masuri

Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Guilmon-Growlmon-WarGrowlmon-Gallantmon-MedievilGallentmon or Gallantmon Crimson Mode


#7 - Duftmon

Name: Labramon


Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Labramon-Dobermon-Cerburumon-Anubismon

Labramon-Dobermon-Cerburumon-Duftmon-Duftmon Leopard Mode


#8 - Magnamon

Name: Veemon

Partner: Alex X

Nickname: Multi

Digivolutions: Veemon-ExVeemon-Paildramon-Imperialdramon-Imperialdramon Fighter Mode-Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (DNA with Omnimon)

Veemon-ExVeemon-Magnamon (with Digi-egg of Miracles)


#9 - Omnimon

Names: Agumon & Gabumon


Nicknames: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Agumon-Greymon-MetalGreymon-WarGreymon


WarGreymon+MetalGarurumon-Omnimon-Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (DNA with Imperialdramon Fighter Mode)


#10 - Sleipmon

Name: Kudamon

Partner: Ken Hikari

Nickname: Grail

Digivolutions: Kudamon-Reppamon-Chirinmon-Sleipmon


#11 - UlforceVeedramon

Name: Veemon


Nickname: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Veemon-Veedramon-AeroVeedramon-UlforceVeedramon


#12 - Chaosmon

Names: Leormon & Commandramon


Nicknames: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Leormon-Liamon-LoaderLeomon-BantyoLeomon




#13 - Susanoomon

Names: Flamon & Strabimon


Nicknames: (If none then put N/A)

Digivolutions: Flamon-Agunimon-Aldamon-EmporerGreymon





[spoiler=The 13 Mavericks]

Name: ???

Rank #0

Controls: Digital World

Army: None


Name: Apocalymon

Rank: #1

Controls: The Network Tree

Army: All


Name: Lucemon Chaos Mode

Rank: #2

Controls: The Dark Area

Army: Fallen Angel Digimon


Name: Daemon

Rank: #3

Controls: Volcano

Army: The Daemon Corps


Name: Barbamon

Rank: #4

Controls: Wasteland

Army: Commandramon line


Name: Cherubimon (Virus)

Rank: #5

Controls: Holy area

Army: Beast Digimon


Name: Dexmon

Rank: #6

Controls: Ruins

Army: None


Name: Arkadimon Super Ultimate

Rank: #7

Controls: City

Army: None


Name: MaloMyotismon

Rank: #8

Controls: Castle

Army: Phantom Digimon


Name: Beelzemon

Rank: #9

Controls: Nothing

Army: Nothing


Name: Belphemon

Rank: #10

Controls: Mountains

Army: Beast digimon


Name: Argomon Mega

Rank: #11

Controls: City

Army: Plant Digimon


Name: Leviamon

Rank: #12

Controls: Ocean

Army: Sea digimon


Name: Lilithmon

Rank: #13

Controls: Sky

Army: Witchmon, Persiamon and Ladydevimon



[spoiler=Entry Forms]

::Neo Tamer::




Appearance: (tek tek at best, if you can;t find a pic, describe your character)




Partner's Nickname:

Digivice: (D3 is needed for Magnamon, biomerge goes with card swipe, and DNA with the DATS digivice)


::Dark Tamer::




Appearance: (tek tek at best, if you can;t find a pic, describe your character)



Maverick they serve:


Partner's Nickname:



[spoiler=Accepted People]

Username: BrokenHeart15

Name: Zacaria Armidayle

Age: 15

Appearance: cdbd645.png

Bio: Born an only child, he spent most of his days alone playing video games and reading. Until he became a teen, he didn't really desire any companions. This changed when he received Draco and Draca, which plunged him into the destiny of the Royal Knights.

Personality: Happy go lucky, he usually prefers to mess about then be serious.

Partner: Dracomon & Dracomon

Partner's Nickname: Draco & Draca

Digivice: DATS digivice


Username: Burst Legacy

Name: Shane Maxwell

Age: 14

Appearance: 2cfwf9g.png

Bio: Shane was adopted into a foster home where he was very lonely. His parents were selfish and did not care for him a bit. This made him feel like the world was very unfair.

Personality: Very Mad, Prissy, Negative

Partner: Dorumon

Partner's Nickname: Doru

Digivice: DATS


Username: Kst80

Name: Ken Hikari

Age: 16

Appearance: 2a38432.png

Bio: Since Ken found Kudamon, they've become best friends. He is able to see visions of the Digital World when in the real world, altough this has started to happen more often lately. He saw when the Royal Knights was slewn and a strange feeling led him to where Kudamon's Digitama was.

Personality: Cool, leader person. Rarely mean against someone else.

Partner: Kudamon

Partner's Nickname: None

Digivice: DATS



Name:Alex X


Appearance: bf7e601.png

Bio:As a kid he was cheerful but ever since his parent's death he has been a quiet kid.



Partner's Nickname:Multi

Digivice: D3



Name:Tasaki Masuri


Appearance: 30d5938.png

Bio: Tasaki had a hard time growing up, mainly since she had no frignde to support her and keep her spritis up after her parents died when she was 6, she was raised by hobos and knows all she needs to to live life

Personality: agressive, headstrong

Partner: Guilmon

Partner's Nickname: Inferno X

Digivice: D-Power (card swipe)


Username: ¦Kylarnatias Soul¦

Name: Agas Constentine

Age: 16

Appearance: faa6451.png

Bio: Agas is mainly layed back, but when it comes to trouble, she gets serious

Personality: Cool and serious

Partner: Hagurumon

Partner's Nickname: Guru

Digivice: DATS


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Username: Kst80

Name: Ken Hikari

Age: 16

Appearance: 2a38432.png

Bio: Since Ken found Kudamon, they've become best friends. He is able to see visions of the Digital World when in the real world, altough this has started to happen more often lately. He saw when the Royal Knights was slewn and a strange feeling led him to where Kudamon's Digitama was.

Personality: Cool, leader person. Rarely mean against someone else.

Partner: Kudamon

Partner's Nickname: Grail

Digivice: DATS


More will come later, I just wanted to take Kudamon before someone else does.

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my computer won't let me use tek tek sorry


Username: Zetsu-plant

Name: Desperado Perez

Age: 19

Appearance: 43.jpg

Bio: He does not like using his digimon but if he has to he will. He does not ask questions. he does not wait for answers. all he does is shoot

Personality: Impatient, Cocky, Funny, Rebel

Partner: Beezlmon

Partner's Nickname: Don't Talk Shoot

Digivice: Dats

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Name: Shane Maxwell

Age: 14

Appearance: 2cfwf9g.png

Bio: Shane was adopted into a foster home where he was very lonely. His parents were selfish and did not care for him a bit. This made him feel like the world was very unfair.

Personality: Very Mad, Prissy, Negative

Partner: Dorumon

Partner's Nickname: Doru

Digivice: DATS

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Name:Tasaki Masuri


Appearance: 30d5938.png

Bio: Tasaki had a hard time growing up, mainly since she had no frignde to support her and keep her spritis up after her parents died when she was 6, she was raised by hobos and knows all she needs to to live life

Personality: agressive, headstrong

Partner: Guilmon

Partner's Nickname: Inferno X

Digivice: D-Power (card swipe)


can i start out evil? if yes...can my digimon be an 'X' digimon

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hey yusei, there's one small problem with your story, she couldn't have had guilmon as he was cast as a digitama into the human world, she couldn't possibly get to the digital world by any possible means. aboout the evil thing, dark tamers aren't open yet, so, if you wish to reserve guilmon until that time, go ahead, and the x, hmmm, yes, but, that means that you'll not get gallantmon crimson mode (as if it mattered)


and, we'll start when we have at least 5 people, we have, lesse, we have 4, but yusei wants to be evil, so we need about 1 more person

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