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Naruto: Clash For the Kage Thrones part 2 (started) (still accepting)


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Takuya though for a minute. "Twillight can also be all things together. The trap is ninjutsu and genjust...I GOT IT! Its Ninjutsu and Genjustu the only thing missing is Taijutsu. You need all three to access the situation and know when to strike." He said as he went inside when he was halfway there, he put on his guantlets. "DIVINE HAMMER!" he punches the cave and the trap faded away. "We solved the riddle. You cant use ninjutsu, the light and genjutsu, the dark. The only thing that it doesn't stop is Taijutsu." Takuya explained

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Takuya looks at Chris. "Tasaki is right. We are married. We should continue before the trap resets." he said as he walked on and saw the sacond trap, a giant room of moving walls and spikes. "Oh man this one will be tough." "Yeah and this place is sucking up all of our chakra."

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