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Free* Pokemon Splices


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  1. 1. The cost of points is...

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[align=center]This will not be like any other Pokesplicers shop (that i know of) that will actually give you a free* poke splice for free ;)


however, just because they are free*, doesnt mean you can have 20 :lol:


Some examples of my splices.



DESPITE A FEWCOMMENTS BELOW, I am still taking orders ^.^ so far, 4 people have ordered



*each person is entitled to 1 free splice each, any more and a cost of rep will be issued :/ (i aint a charity case :lol: )


[spoiler=[b]People who have used their Free Splice token[/b]]

1. parablank

2. Zaca

3. omega21109

4. Warlock_vaati

5. X-31 Fighter









[spoiler=costs after token used]

Splice and recolour= 20 points (per pokemon)

recolour= 20 points

alternations= 10 points




[spoiler=[b]additional info[/b]:]


if i do not return your request within 48 hours (2 days) then you can PM me to ask for your splice. If i do not make a splice within 1 week, feel free to NEG me...(once). however with this great cost on my shoulders, it might be nice to receive a +REP for a splice if you think it is that good.







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I am still taking orders people, im bored here, and these are free :D


i will make 1 for free people! order away, but if you want a better pokesplice, tell me how you want it too loook.

like, if you choose pokemon that are similiar or in the same evolution line (like pikachu and raaichu) i will make a next step evolution pokemon,


if they are separate, i will splcie them to create 1, like a misbreed, or new pokemon :lol:


specify to receive a better splice ^.^, otehrwise you wont get what you want.

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