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My cards of interest

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Royal Knight of the Ice Boundary

When this card is Tribute Summoned, Special Summon 1 "Ice Coffin Token" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 1000/DEF 0) in Attack Position. This token cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.

Was wondering: What deck would work with him?


Young Roc of Mist Valley

When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it.

Wondering: What card effects would work with this card?


Thanks to those of you who respond. I know this isn't TCG, but there doesn't seem to be any OCG forum.

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Young Roc of Mist Valley

When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard' date=' you [b']can[/b] Special Summon it.

Wondering: What card effects would work with this card?



you can Special Summon it.








Optional effect --> Miss timing on lots of things.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Royal Knight of the Ice Boundary

When this card is Tribute Summoned' date=' Special Summon 1 "Ice Coffin Token" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 1000/DEF 0) in Attack Position. This token cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.[/i']

Was wondering: What deck would work with him?


I had to looks this guy up. Level 5, 2000/2000. Overall, very few decks would want to work with him. The one that immediately springs to mind, because of Tribute Summoning, would be Monarchs, except that Monarchs have much better choices then this. After the 3x Caius and 1x Raiza most decks run, the next one they'd probably want to max would be Thestalos, and 7 Monarchs is already pushing it.


Perhaps a deck focused on summoning tokens, but even those decks have better choices. Overall, this card was doomed from the start.

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