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((=))WWE Fan Club((=)) (The Road to Wrestlemania, enjoy it here!)

Golden Chaos

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I totally predicted Matt's turn.


okay' date=' new topic, why Matt.... why....



Look at it this way: Matt feels some amount of resentment toward Jeff because even though Jeff's younger than Matt, Jeff is the one who keeps getting WWE Title matches no matter how many times he screws up, while Matt just lost his championship. How would you feel being in teh shadow of your younger sibling?


I AM in the shadow of a younger sibling, but still Matt seems to have had a change of heart, becuse really, he helped his brother win gold, and then to do that >.> I cant wait to see hear his logiv on that one...

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lip, I DO care that you will be at yvd, given that you give us beneficial or true facts!!

Show us a link to that preview.


@Matt: That's a storyline I'm not really looking forward to. Why? Because I'd rather see them or Jeff in particular in MITB. Plus, their match together won't be that good, not a WM match to be more specific. Finally, Cage isn't back which makes matters worse.

Anyway, we lost Jericho to a crappy match at WM25, what do you guys predict (NOT WANT) at WM25.

Personally, I foresee Taker vs. HBK match, Orton vs. Cena, Y2J vs. Rourke, Hardy vs. Hardy and E vs. C!!

Your thoughts.

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Let's see, JBL and HBK storyline is finally coming to an end.

With JBL not at the EC, and HBK most probably not in as well, I see the two will face in NWO for a last match, then they may either face in gimmick match at WM(hopefully not) or each gets a new feud(s).



As of now, me and my club are supporting the newly developed WWE Fan-Fic by icon_hbk and Symptoms of Death, both members in our club, so take a chance to be a superstar in that Fan-Fic or even take a shot and be a Writer!!!

Visit it NOW: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-96848.html

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thankyou very much Mond, for your support, I'll be writing smackdown soon, however I'm not sure on when we can expect James' (icon's) raw, or an ECW episode for that matter



As for Wrestlmania 25


with the apparent return of Rob Van Dam


I'd love to see him in MiTB, not win it but make it damn entertaining

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