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((=))WWE Fan Club((=)) (The Road to Wrestlemania, enjoy it here!)

Golden Chaos

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thanks man, but with the Wrestlmania Main event, I don't konw what kinda reaction you'd get if Brian Kendrick won, personaly I'd love it Kendrick is one of my all time favorites, but all in all I dont think te reaction would be favourable.




would be Double Post:




that link, is to my, and my friend Icon_hbk's WWE Fan-Fic, and it gives the viewers the chance to become writing staff, aswell as submit superstars ect....

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A new episode of ECW has been posted. I think will be an enjoyable read. The first of many new superstars has debut.


.:Symptoms of Death:.'s superstar debut on this episode of ECW, and don't worry, another superstar will debut on the next episode of Smackdown.


I decided to make my own TitanTron for the new Smackdown Opening. I do apologize for the bad quality. I decided to use the old opening because when I tried to upload it with the new opening, it was removed due to copyright infringement.




The quality isn't that good, but at least it's decent, you know?


I'm sorry if your superstar didn't debut on this episode, but a new superstar will be debuting on every episode leading up to the Rumble.


Altair, I'm sure you're getting one of these PMs; your Faction idea and your club sponsoring the Fan-Fic is completely okay.


I sent that PM to twenty-five people.


A new ECW has been posted, and I have made a video for the Smackdown Opening with the new theme.

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Orton wins the Rumble. What a disappointment. He's Main Evented Wrestlemania at least twice. Why not let someone else get a chance?


Matt Hardy betraying Jeff Hardy might lead to an interesting storyline where Christian returns as a face and teams with Jeff Hardy to take on Edge and Matt Hardy.

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I have 6 words for you.


Forget about Christian. RVD IS BACK!


Rob Van Dam is not back. He returned for one night. He has not re-signed with the WWE, and his Rumble appearance was just a temporary return.

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I have 6 words for you.


Forget about Christian. RVD IS BACK!


Rob Van Dam is not back. He returned for one night. He has not re-signed with the WWE' date=' and his Rumble appearance was just a temporary return.



You don't know that. I doubt he'd come back for 1 night just to loose a match.

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I have 6 words for you.


Forget about Christian. RVD IS BACK!


Rob Van Dam is not back. He returned for one night. He has not re-signed with the WWE' date=' and his Rumble appearance was just a temporary return.



You don't know that. I doubt he'd come back for 1 night just to loose a match.


First of all, his wife has cancer and he has two kids. It's not easy for him to be a wrestler and take care of his wife and kids.


Second of all, if you don't believe me, I can give you a link to the website where I found out that he has not re-signed with the WWE.

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I'm back!

Tabris, you're in.


@Royal Rumble: I didn't totally like it, since it was VERY predictable, I mean a special promo for Randy before the Rumble?! Could it get more obvious?

However, I predict an HBK vs. Taker match at WM25 which is a match I watched WWE to see!!

Yeah, it will be the best WWE match ever, and a Rourke vs. Y2J is confirmed, I foresee a (Super Mighty Shitty) Cena vs. Orton match as well.

Too bad it was Matt, I was hoping it's Cage, but he might fit in a match against Edge at WM25, since a Matt and Jeff will most probably face each other.

Any more thoughts?

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I totally predicted Matt's turn.


okay' date=' new topic, why Matt.... why....



Look at it this way: Matt feels some amount of resentment toward Jeff because even though Jeff's younger than Matt, Jeff is the one who keeps getting WWE Title matches no matter how many times he screws up, while Matt just lost his championship. How would you feel being in teh shadow of your younger sibling?

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I totally predicted Matt's turn.


okay' date=' new topic, why Matt.... why....



Look at it this way: Matt feels some amount of resentment toward Jeff because even though Jeff's younger than Matt, Jeff is the one who keeps getting WWE Title matches no matter how many times he screws up, while Matt just lost his championship. How would you feel being in teh shadow of your younger sibling?


Matt Hardy helped Jeff Hardy earn title matches and helped him on his path to the WWE Championship. Why would he have done that if he didn't want Jeff Hardy to be the WWE Champion?

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