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Genesic Dragon

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Once per turn' date=' you can send 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your Graveyard to your hand. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can return all Dragon-Type Monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck.[/quote']



Reuse tuners, and abuse with certain Special Summon cards, not to mension DAD and JD continualy returning if you manage to destroy them, and synchros bouncing back the the extra deck, not a bad card at all...

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Once per turn' date=' you can send 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your Graveyard to your hand. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you [b']can[/b] return all Dragon-Type Monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck.



Reuse tuners, and abuse with certain Special Summon cards, not to mension DAD and JD continualy returning if you manage to destroy them, and synchros bouncing back the the extra deck, not a bad card at all...


.... It CAN fatten your deck

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Once per turn' date=' you can send [b']1 Dragon-Type Monster[/b] from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 Dragon-Type Monster from your Graveyard to your hand. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can return all Dragon-Type Monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck.



Reuse tuners, and abuse with certain Special Summon cards, not to mension DAD and JD continualy returning if you manage to destroy them, and synchros bouncing back the the extra deck, not a bad card at all...


The lack of dragons in the typical Dark deck and lightsworn deck makes running this card inconsistent in the deck.

Why would you want to bounce a synchro from your graveyard to your extra deck instead of using a new one from the extra deck? (How often will running out of synchros occur? Moreover, it's a -1 to do so.)

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if you do it right you special summon the discarded monster anyway' date=' so no



Well, I believe you're talking to me, so I'll reply.


First of all, I'd like to ask, "so no" what? Was that an answer to "Why would you want to bounce a synchro from your graveyard to your extra deck instead of using a new one from the extra deck?", because a "why" question demands a reason, not a yes/no. (Don't stop reading yet :(, I know you mentioned a reason before the "so no", I meant that there was no "yes/no" answer that I asked for, what were you referring to?)


So what if you special summon the dragon you discarded with REDMD (or whatever graveyard revival effect you wanted to use) later?

It doesn't change the fact it's a -1.

There are also better ways to discard a dragon instead of bouncing synchros from your graveyard. Snipe Hunter, PWWB, etc, say hi.

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I know "no" simply ment, you were incorect, you would return, say a used Tuner to your hand, discard somthing else, then Special Summon the discarded monster with a veriety of cards. and how is it a - 1 you replace the card you lost with the card you add to your hand.

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I know "no" simply ment' date=' you were incorect, you would return, say a used Tuner to your hand, discard somthing else, then Special Summon the discarded monster with a veriety of cards. and how is it a - 1 you replace the card you lost with the card you add to your hand.



Reuse tuners' date=' and abuse with certain Special Summon cards, not to mension DAD and JD continualy returning if you manage to destroy them, and [b']synchros bouncing back the the extra deck[/b], not a bad card at all...



Reread my post, it was what I was referring to : "Why would you want to bounce a synchro back to the extra deck?". In that case, it's a -1, and I was talking about that all the time.

Edit : Nevermind, didn't realise you're referring to the second effect. Sorry.

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