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Discuss: Core Chimair

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Core Chimair Drago is actually decent Anti-meta, if you pitch it quickly then T-DAD is totaly screwed, becuse it doesnt run any high ATK normal summonable monsters, run it along with maybe King tiger, to cancel out low power monsters with a destruction effect (Add burden and all you'd need to worry about is spells and traps)

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The controller of this card sends 1 "Core-Chimair's Steel Core" or a Rock-Type monster from their hand to the Graveyard during each of your End Phases. If you don't do either, this card is destroyed. When the effect of an effect monster is activated, you can tribute this card to negate the activation and destroy that monster.



At the start of your next Draw Phase after activation of this card, you can add 1 "Core Chimair" card other than "Core Chimair's Steel Core" from your deck to your hand. Also, by sending 1 "Core Chimair" monster from your hand to the Graveyard, you can add this card in your Graveyard to your hand. (two card draw phase? o.O)



Activate by revealing 1 "Core-Chimair's Steel Core" in your hand to your opponent. Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls.


ones i can see getting used.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You all dun get it. It's not just a -1. You can also reveal a monster with the same type to stop the destruction. Since you will be playing multiples of the same monster, wouldn't you just need to reveal the same copy of the monster from your hand? However, this archtype does not seem to have the drawpower needed. Typical of all anti-meta decks.

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You all dun get it. It's not just a -1. You can also reveal a monster with the same type to stop the destruction. Since you will be playing multiples of the same monster' date=' wouldn't you just need to reveal the same copy of the monster from your hand? However, this archtype does not seem to have the drawpower needed. Typical of all anti-meta decks.



not all of them have that choice, some are way more costly than others.


nice to see the trap feather duster. cool idea and makes it worth thinking about.

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Guest PikaPerson01

You all dun get it. It's not just a -1. You can also reveal a monster with the same type to stop the destruction. Since you will be playing multiples of the same monster' date=' wouldn't you just need to reveal the same copy of the monster from your hand? However, this archtype does not seem to have the drawpower needed. Typical of all anti-meta decks.



Hey idiot, check the dates. Back in January, "sending" rather then "showing" was still the effect.

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