Star Child Posted June 20, 2009 Report Share Posted June 20, 2009 baby. >:P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 20, 2009 Report Share Posted June 20, 2009 I read that he's so large that a full grown human-being is just the size of his eye. :shock: Umm ... i think you're mixing up the legends. That's in no way Ogopogo. Look at it like this Giant squid eye (60 ft long) = dinner plate??? = full human No way a lake monster can do that. sorry, but that is pure fish tail. A creature like that wouldn't even fit in the lake. And also ... don't forget water displacement .... If a creature that big was swimming in the lake, the wake it would leave would literally cause massive waves to hit the shores. HOWEVER, ... Bloop on the other hand .... that is more possible. Since its size estimates place it about 3 to 4 times the size of a blue whale (the largest animal on the planet). But bloop lives in the ocean, not a lake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Child Posted June 20, 2009 Report Share Posted June 20, 2009 Well I got a book from a school book fair and it's all about criptids and i'm just going by the pic in it of a person swimming in front of its eye.EDIT: that was just a drawing though. so ya i'm probably wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 First time I saw a MonsterQuest episode where they resolves a mystery. The episode of the pitbull killer in Carolina. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kira Magister Magi Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 What was the outcome? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 A puma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Child Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 topic: I just watched an ep of Lost Tapes about the Hellhound and now I wanna know more about it. Who knows anything about the Hellhound? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 where is "said" hellhound? There's various types. some having even refered to "the beast of _" cretures as hell hounds. _ = Gevaudon, Armos, etc etc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Child Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 just any of them. no particular one as long as it's not cerberus, since i already know about him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kira Magister Magi Posted June 21, 2009 Report Share Posted June 21, 2009 What do you know about him, exactly? DNK and I may know more. I know some mytho, but not as much as him, especially considering this is Greek lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 Here's a somewhat interesting article. HOWEVER ... by definition, Hellhounds shouldn't be considered cryptids since they are supernatural. Ghosts, Banshee, Hellhounds, Angels, etc aren't "new species", they are the work of a higher (or lower if you know what I mean) hand. There can be things mistaken as such, but in the definition wise look at it. They shouldn't be crytpids. This is not to say they don't exist ... just that they shouldn't be thought of something physically explainable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Child Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 What do you know about him' date=' exactly? DNK and I may know more. I know some mytho, but not as much as him, especially considering this is Greek lol[/quote']3 heads, guards hell so things can't escape, ummmmmmmmmmmmm...that's it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 What do you think about the Tyrannosaurus found with meat and all? Does that proves that creationist are right and the Earth is not millions years old but it is only some thousands years old like the bible says? Do you think the ADN can still be used to create a clone? If they are able to clone a dinosaur, I'm happy it's a Tyranno. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 I ddin't hear about the Tyrano with skin ... but that doesn't prove or disprove creation story. Evolution doesn't disprove God. They aren't mutually exclusive. those who think that are opposites are merely performing a category error. They are using the wrong eye of the soul. Did I just lose everyone with my college philosophy? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 Too lazy to search it in english. This news are from 3 years ago. Tejido orgánico fresco de un Tiranosaurio Rex La paleontóloga Higby Schweiltzer se encontró con algo inusitado hace ya algún tiempo durante sus investigaciones en el laboratorio de la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte, se trataba de tejido fresco que se alojaba en el fémur del fósil de un Tiranosaurio rex. Algo realmente extraño, ya que en principio los rastros de vida de este fósil tenían que haber desaparecido hace muchísimo tiempo. Hay que tener en cuenta que los tejidos suaves que se encuentran alojados en la médula ósea sólo pueden sobrevivir unos miles de años pero no millones. Este hallazgo ha servido para que los creacionistas afirmen que esto es una evidencia sobre la escasa edad de la Tierra y que estos fósiles no tienen millones de años sino miles. Es más, la religión ve este descubrimiento como una prueba de que la vida en la Tierra no tiene más de unos 10 mil años. El dinosaurio en cuestión se encontró en Hell Creek, Montana (Estados Unidos) y una peculiaridad que presentaba era el olor que todavía exudaban los restos, semejante al olor de cadáveres humanos que se conservan en un laboratorio de medicina, según las palabras de Higby Schweiltzer. Este peculiar olor es el resultado de los residuos orgánicos que permanecen largo tiempo adheridos a los huesos. Hay algunos ejemplos más sobre material orgánico fresco que provenga de un fósil, por ejemplo, fueron encontradas células sanguíneas bien conservadas en la década de los 90 por un estudiante de paleontología que también provenían del fósil de un T. Rex. En Argentina se localizaron huevos de 70 millones de años de antigüedad, que una vez analizados bajo un microscopio electrónico, mostraban embriones que contenían su colágeno intacto. Algunos fósiles localizados en distintas regiones del planeta presentan estos mismos indicios, tejido fresco. La respuesta de la comunidad científica era “No puede ser posible”. La paleontóloga estuvo algunos años sin volver a tocar el tema hasta no hace mucho, cuando un grupo de paleontólogos descubrió un esqueleto fosilizado de un Tiranosaurio Rex, un fémur proveniente de este fósil fue llevado a Higby Schweiltzer para analizarlo. Tras su análisis se verificó que no era un simple fósil, la paleontóloga descubrió tejido que solamente se desarrolla en la médula ósea de las aves durante la fase de ovulación con lo cual supo que se trataba de un Tiranosaurio hembra y que además estaba embarazada. Nadie había podido determinar el sexo de un dinosaurio con exactitud hasta ese momento, hasta entonces se intentaba distinguir por la forma del cuerpo de la criatura o el tamaño de la cresta que algunos de ellos tenían en su cabeza. Pero este hallazgo permitió vincular género y morfología. Posteriores hallazgos en otros fósiles han descubierto incluso vasos sanguíneos. Higby Schweiltzer ha abierto nuevos campos de investigación y nuevos conceptos, incluso es posible que se revisen nuevamente los miles de fósiles que permanecen guardados en todas las universidades del mundo. También se encuentran los que se oponen a la creencia de que este material orgánico provenga de los mismos dinosaurios y argumentan la posibilidad de que los restos fósiles se hayan contaminado con restos de otros animales más recientes. ¿Es posible que el material orgánico provenga de estos fósiles? Y si es así, ¿cómo se ha podido conservar tanto tiempo?, ¿estarán equivocados los científicos sobre la edad de la Tierra y la aparición de la vida?, nosotros creemos que no hay equivocación, aunque sea difícil de explicar el descubrimiento de este material orgánico fresco. ¿Qué opinas tú? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dire Wolf Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 Spanish..Easy for me, i go there every year, spanish is just like english, since your to lazy, ill type it in english: Organic fresh textile of a Tyrannosaurus RexThe paleontogist Higby Schweiltzer was with slightly unusual already some time ago during his investigations in the laboratory of the State University of North Carolina, it was a question as a fresh textile that rex was staying at the femur of the fossil of a Tyrannosaurus. Slightly really strange, since at first the tracks of life of this fossil had to disappear a lot of time ago. It is necessary to bear in mind that the soft textiles that are lodged at the bone marrow only can survive a few thousands of years but not millions.This find has served so that the creacionistas affirm that this is an evidence on the scarce age of the Earth and that these fossils do not have million years but thousands. Moreover, the religion sees this discovery as a proof that the life in the Earth does not have any more than approximately 10 thousand years.The dinosaur in question was in Hell Creek, Mountain (the United States) and a peculiarity that it was presenting was the smell that still exudaban the remains, similar to smell of corpse human that survive in a laboratory of medicine, according to the words of Higby Schweiltzer.This peculiar smell is the result of the organic residues that remain long time adhered to the bones. There are some examples more on organic fresh material that comes from a fossil, for example, there were found blood cells well preserved in the decade of the 90 by a student of paleontology that also were coming from the fossil of a T. Rex. In Argentina there were located eggs of 70 million years of antiquity, which once analyzed under an electronic microscope, were showing embryos that were containing his intact colágeno.Some fossils located in different regions of the planet present the same indications, fresh textile. The response of the scientific community was “ it cannot be possible ”. The paleontlolgaist was some years without touching the topic again till recently, when a group of paleontologists discovered a fossilized skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a femur proveniente of this fossil was taken to Higby Schweiltzer to analyze it. After his analysis one verified that it was not a simple fossil, the paleontolagist discovered textile that only develops in the bone marrow of the birds during the phase of ovulation with which it was known that female was talking each other about a Tyrannosaurus and that also it was pregnant.Nobody could have determined the sex of a dinosaur with accuracy up to this moment, till then it was trying to differ in the form of the body of the creature or the size of the comb that some of them had in his head. But this find allowed to link genre and morphology. Later finds in other fossils have discovered even blood glasses. Higby Schweiltzer has opened new fields of investigation and new concepts, even it is possible that there are checked again the thousands of fossils that remain kept in all the universities of the world.Also it are those who are opposed to the credence of which this organic material comes from the same dinosaurs and argue the possibility that the fossil remains have been contaminated with rests of other more recent animals. Is it possible that the organic material comes from these fossils? And if it is like that: how was it possible to have preserved so much time?: will the scientists be mistaken on the age of the Earth and the appearance of the life?, we believe that there is no mistake, although it is difficult to explain the discovery of this organic fresh material. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 First off, thank you for going through all the trouble of translating. That was quite a job and I thank you very muh for it. Now then ... This article is very "presumptive" on the part of these creationists. Where was it published. There's various factors that could have led to this ... if was a cold climate ... it could be a possibility .. like the frozen mamoth. Even some types of rock are good preservers since they lock out air and microbs ... which will slow decay. And most importantly ... this article is very guilty of a slippery slope fallacy. If you find 1 fossil with this remains it doesn't mean all dino's are only 1,000s years old .. it means this could be an exception. Meaning that there could have been some survivors. ... you all see what I mean. I mean Megalodon ... they found some teeth that were pure white (which mean they were shed recently) ... this doesn't mean all the countless megalodon teeth previously found to be millions of years old are fake ... it means that there could still be some out there. There are reports of Sauropods and Pterasaurs in Roirima and countless other palces around the world ... so a T-Rex can't be much different. You'd actually be surprised how many different legends and cryptids there are in these categories. It's really quite amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dire Wolf Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 Its ok didn't take me that logn to translate and type it Anyways Pterdon's sightings and reports have grown in the past 5 years..I Wounder if they are still here?I knwo Dinosaurs are around us everywheer becuase Birds are Dinosaurs,But are some of the 'Original' Dinosaurs still around? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 I truly beleive so. Look ... all the lake monster that are plesiosuar-like, mososaur-like, all the ptera sightings, the prehistoric shark soghtings, and all the sauropod (brachiosaur,ets) sightings from everywhere from Africa, Australia, South America, etc. There's some truth to it definitely. And they all see different shapes and sizes across the globe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dire Wolf Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 Yeah,I once read a newspaper report that The Isle of wight are creating dinosaurs,Only a week ago i was on a school trip to the isle of wight, when i saw 3 statues of the dinosaurs that bashthere head togther, and i saw a cage and i saw the head of one moveing, we were going fast in the coach so i didn't get a picture with my camrea, but my friend who i was sitting next to also saw it,The newspaper report must be true.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star Child Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 how do you know it moved if you were going so fast? your mind could've just played a trick on you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 that does sound pretty outrageous and it could of been animatronic. Besides ... unlike Jurasic park ... it would actually take generations to breed a real dino. I rememebr for the mamoth they found they said it'd take at least 4 generations and they are really close to elephants ... we have nothing close to dinosaur size and shape. i also doubt they'd do it on a resort public place like Wright island by england. Too much risk of unveiling and lawsuit. I personally believe that they should be brought back .... no one should play God Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 wow, that would be awesome if dinosaurs came back..... the main thing i would like to see if they did come bak would be the megalodon. it would be great to see one in an aquarium. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DNovaKnight Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 ;) some say its still around ... and some evidence supports it. Why do you think thats my club cryptid. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zack was here :p Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 Username Zack was here :pnever in any clubsfavorite cryptid: bigfootthe reason its stange to thing we could be seeing a cousin related to us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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