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Cryptid Hunters, "Hunting For The Truth". U CANT HANDLE TEH TRUTH


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yes ... but not in the way you think. In my anthropology class we learned about Haitian zombies. (also featured on an episode of CSI: Miami. The poison of the puffer fish i think when made in a certain way ... if it comes in contact with the skin it drops your body temp, makes you look and deadish ... and your like in a catatonic state and aren't conscious or in control of your actions. you just wander blindly. It's very freaky.

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Me neither. Movie zombies that eat brains ... no. although some people have tried to rationalize it as a disease that reduces brain activity to the basics ... eating. And say that the disease is transfered through saliva ... thus the bite makes more zombies. Well thats all fine and well, but I doubt thats possible to make such a disease. and further more why would you.

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oh so you mean like resurrection ... well more like resusitation. Since resurection implies a new body.


Well i'll give you ghosts, but not living dead. Although ... there's always a reference point for it. I mean its even in the New testament with Lazarus. But I think that's a special case.


I think the notion of "living dead" came from the old practice of just throwing a dead body in a coffin. And they had no idea of comas, unconscious or stuff like that ... so when the person woke up they tried to get out but couldn't. And then when they would dig up old coffins and find the scratch marks they would say "Ahhh this thing came to life and tried to get out." When really it was alive the whole time and died while in the coffin.



That's just my opinion

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Zombies are not cryptids, let's discuss Irkuem (i would give info, but i googled it all and i don't want to translate it to english, so google it yourself, i'm sure there's a lot of info in english). I'n my opinion, scientists screwed things this time. They didn't paid attention at all.

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Giant bears in Kamchatka the BEARS HAVE BEEN VENERATED BY the OLD TRIBES INDIANS AND FEARED FOR the HUNTERS. THE IRKUIEM COULD BE A MIXTURE OF BOTH, BETWEEN THE ADMIRATION AND THE FEAR, THE TRIBES OF THE SOUTH OF RUSSIA SPEAK OF THIS GIGANTIC BEAST WITH FEAR AND THE ZOOLOGISTS ADMIRE IT ALTHOUGH OF AN ALMOST INCOMPREHENSIBLE AND LITTLE RIGOROUS WAY. Kamchatkla is one cold peninsula that is to the east of Russia. It is a zone very visited by geologists, given the great amount of interesting volcanos for its study, and of hunters, because in its earth they can find pieces of which greater hunting is denominated. And indeed of the hand of one of these hunters, it saw the light, outside the borders of Kamchatkla, one of the criptozoologicos mysteries more strangers, interesting and even so, little investigated, we spoke of the mysterious IRKUIEM. In 1980, a called hunter Rodino Sivolobov, resident of Tilichiki, a small town that is in the coast of the Sea of Bering, sent to several letters to different zoologists from certain prestige describing the encounter that and other native of the region like the Korjak or Chukchi, had had with a similar creature a gigantic Bear and to which these native ones called from towards decades IRKUIEM. According to they described who had been present at it, this peculiar animal presented/displayed short later legs in relation to the previous ones that seemed to be of a greater size, an extremely short snout, and a basic characteristics, that in fact its name gave him. Of between its previous legs, a strange protuberance hung as a stock market and seemed, that due to his weight, it dragged it by the ground, according to native that was resembled to them with “fallen trousers”, that is to say, IRKUIEM in his language. “SIMUS ARCTODUS” first in showed interested in the subject was the respected Russian biologist, N.K. Vereshchagin, that received one of letters of Sivolobov and which dared to give a dangerous hypothesis. I affirm that the IRKUIEM was in fact a survivor of the “Simus Arctodus” a species of prehistoric Bear that lived in North America. It was twice greater than the present species of Bears, being able to surpass with facility but of two meters. This same biologist coat the subject to the interest I publish in I articulate published in the magazine “Ohota” in 1987. From several colleagues of profession they were interested here in the IRKUIEM and some were to disconformes with the theory of Vereshchagin, considering that the Aroctodus tapeworm but the considerably great legs that the descriptions facilitated by Sivolobov. One of these colleagues serious Valerij Orlov, whom in 1989 the case of this animal would retake and it would become the main scientific representative of this phenomenon. Orlov would write I articulate in the prestigious Russian magazine “Vokrug Sveta”, in which it summarized the expedition of directed by a Russian geologist, who besides to be interested in the volcanic activity of Kamchatka, also was it in finding a presumed monstrous Bear that was very feared for the native ones of the place, and that according to believed it was a unknown species that would have crossed the frozen sea of Chukchi and that would be based regularly between the regions of Russia and Alaska. Despite although Orlov I present/display this theory, it was not absolutely in agreement with her. For the IRKUIEM it was not but that the present Polar Bear (Martimus Usus) that turned aside itself towards the Sea of Bering. The native ones of Kamchatka, when not recognizing the specimen would have originated the Legend of the IRKUIEM. Orlov would affirm then to that it was very possible to find a colony stable of Polar Bears in Kamchatka. The information with which prepararia Orlov I articulate, provenia of its colleague F.R. Shtilmark, that as well recibia of letters of Sovolobov. Although Orlov was skeptic as far as letters of he himself, Orlov was decided to put itself in contact with this, simultaneously that with an Inspector of Police of the region. The Inspector I communicate to him that it did not know any unknown animal in the region, but that if it could be feasible you give

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El Inspector le comunico que no conocía de ningún animal desconocido en la región, pero que si pudiese ser factible dada la cantidad de Osos que existen en Kamchatkla. De hecho y como aseguran los científicos los Osos son una de las especies que mas híbridos produce, y no solo por medio de la mano del hombre, sino también en cautividad, por lo tanto la teoría de híbrido o nueva especie no es del todo descabellada.


Por otro lado Sovolobov, siguió enviado información a Orlov, referente al IRKUIEM, este se atrevió incluso a hacer un censo aproximado de este misterioso animal, en en varias ocasiones envió fotos de lo que el afirmaba que era la piel de uno de estos osos desconocidos. Fotos que el mismo Orlov y el Inspector de Policía desestimarían al creer que se trataban de unas pieles del Oso marrón, muy común el Kamchatka.


Con el tiempo las cartas de Sivolobov fueron remitiendo hasta desaparecer, y en 1996, el biólogo Valerij Orlov, realizo la ultima mención del IRKUIEM, concluyendo que desde hacia varios años no había vuelto a recibir ninguna información de Sivolobov, lo que unido a que nunca enviara una prueba concluyente como un cráneo o un colmillo, le hacia pensar que todo habría sido un fraude.

Sin embargo quedan muchas lagunas, ¿Con que fin Sivolobov querría realizar dicho fraude? ¿Por qué, según parece, ninguno de los científicos interesados se desplazo hasta el lugar para investigar el caso in-situ? ¿No podría Sivolobov haberse cansado de la pasividad de los científicos y la falta de rigurosidad en sus conclusiones? Cualquiera en la piel de Sivolobov diría que si, aunque quizás no tardemos mucho en saber la verdad entorno a este curioso e interesante caso.

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The Inspector I communicate to him that it did not know any unknown animal in the region, but that if the amount of Bears could feasible be given that exist in Kamchatkla. In fact and as they assure the scientists the Bears are one of the species who but hybrid produce, and not only by means of the hand of the man, but also in captivity, therefore the theory of hybrid or new species is not absolutely preposterous. On the other hand Sovolobov, followed envoy information Orlov, referring to the IRKUIEM, this even dared to do a census approximated of this mysterious animal, in in several occasions sent photos of which it affirmed that it was the skin of one of these not known bears. Photos that he himself Orlov and the Inspector of Police would misestimate when thinking that they were skins of the brown Bear, very common the Kamchatka. With time the letters of Sivolobov were sending until disappearing, and in 1996, the biologist Valerij Orlov, I make completes mention of the IRKUIEM, concluding that from towards several years had not returned to receive no information of Sivolobov, which together with that never it sent a conclusive test like a skull or an eyetooth, towards thinking to him that everything would have been a fraud. Nevertheless they are left many lagoons, Whereupon aim Sivolobov would want to make this fraud? So that, according to it seems, no of the interested scientists I move until the place to investigate the case in-situ? Could not Sivolobov have tired of the passivity of the scientists and the lack of rigor in its conclusions? Anyone in the skin of Sivolobov would say that perhaps if, although we do not take much in knowing to the truth surroundings to this peculiar and interesting case.

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