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Cryptid Hunters, "Hunting For The Truth". U CANT HANDLE TEH TRUTH


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whos wendigo????? please explain davok


The Wendigo is a creature in the mythology of the Algonquin people of Canada (where I reside). The Wendigo (or a Wendigo) is a cannibalistic spirit that possesses the body of usually a person who is in the wilderness or in the vicinity of the wilderness' date=' and is starving. The possessed body will then inhabit cannibalistic tendencies, such as murdering friends, family, etc and devouring them. The more human flesh the Wendigo eats, the bigger it gets, and the more weaker the host's soul becomes. Finally the Wendigo takes over the body completely, and it becomes a giant monster that looks kind of like the Yeti in fur colour, except twice more savage and muscular. The Wendigo is also so think that when standing side to side you'll just see a straight line and a shadow.


dang man thats somethin...do u believe in it?

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So you were attacked by a flaming girl monkey driving a tank.


... you're not the only comedian ;)

well' date=' if you want to hear it, pm me, well, i am a better comedian, people call me the funiest kid in the county



I'd have to agree with them. I didn't even hear the story yet and already I'm laughing. :lol:

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So you were attacked by a flaming girl monkey driving a tank.


... you're not the only comedian ;)

well' date=' if you want to hear it, pm me, well, i am a better comedian, people call me the funiest kid in the county



I'd have to agree with them. I didn't even hear the story yet and already I'm laughing. :lol:

im not even on stage yet im making people laugh [stage crew: get up here] me: okay, here i come [crowd cheers]

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Well,this may be old but i said i would write more today so here it is:

Late at night.I here scratching.I look out my window and there is a big black hairy thing.

In my house an old couple used to live there.The woman died and the man left.


Also dragons might be cryptids cause they are doubted by a lot of people.Who knows,maybe their bones dicenigrate when they die.I've never seen a dragon but they might be real.

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