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Cryptid Hunters, "Hunting For The Truth". U CANT HANDLE TEH TRUTH


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wow seriously 10 heads and 100 tentacles



Uh,yes in that legend.A different story says it has 3 heads.No one knows.Do Ghosts count as Cryptids?


Here is my Cryptid encounter chart:


Seen:4 times(2 times ghost,2 times werewolf)

Seen inanimate objects moving:5 times

Felt one:3 times(2 times ghost,1 time by something I don't recognize)


One of my friends has a huge stump in his backyard.Somthing ripped the top off at night then chewed at it.My other friend was at his house at 5 o clock and heard growling.Wierd,Huh?

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Spooky stuff, once i was sleeping and i saw a neon blue flash of light and when i looked out my window i saw a huge beam of light under the bridge next to my house, i waited for a couple of minutes (like 15) then i saw it again, never saw it since.

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Well since everyone's telling stories.


I once got a weird sharp pain in my shoulder that felt like 5 icy claws piercing my shoulder. ??


I was sitting typing on day and I could swear someone was walking towards me on my side and I got startled and when I looked no one was there.


I was once looking at the sky and I saw a very bright stationary star and then it shot off. Maybe shooting star. IDK


(Wierdest) When I was really young my brother and I were sitting by the pool and we saw some hawk. My borther taught me how to make a sound that souded like an injured animal. As we're watching the hawks one swoops out of no where and the thing was huge. It went right for me and my brother had to knock it away. But I was very young so my memory isn't the best.

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ive got some stories


one time i looked into my moms room and thought i saw teh grim reaper


same house as last; i saw a blue spirit (for real) i saw it twice, once in teh doorway and again on teh counch


same house; i saw a half horse-half man animal in teh kitchen


different house; i wuz outside and saw a cloud shaped like a skull


same house as skull cloud; read the poem "annabel lee" on my computer and it stoped working (teh poem is supposed to be cursed maybe u chould read it sometime)

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ive got some stories


one time i looked into my moms room and thought i saw teh grim reaper


same house as last; i saw a blue spirit (for real) i saw it twice' date=' once in teh doorway and again on teh counch[/b']


same house; i saw a half horse-half man animal in teh kitchen


different house; i wuz outside and saw a cloud shaped like a skull


same house as skull cloud; read the poem "annabel lee" on my computer and it stoped working (teh poem is supposed to be cursed maybe u chould read it sometime)

somebody pleaze help me with teh bold ones im scared

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whos wendigo????? please explain davok


The Wendigo is a creature in the mythology of the Algonquin people of Canada (where I reside). The Wendigo (or a Wendigo) is a cannibalistic spirit that possesses the body of usually a person who is in the wilderness or in the vicinity of the wilderness, and is starving. The possessed body will then inhabit cannibalistic tendencies, such as murdering friends, family, etc and devouring them. The more human flesh the Wendigo eats, the bigger it gets, and the more weaker the host's soul becomes. Finally the Wendigo takes over the body completely, and it becomes a giant monster that looks kind of like the Yeti in fur colour, except twice more savage and muscular. The Wendigo is also so think that when standing side to side you'll just see a straight line and a shadow.

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