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Cryptid Hunters, "Hunting For The Truth". U CANT HANDLE TEH TRUTH


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In this club we disscuss *Cryptids, Paranormal Phonomena and such.


*Ok.....Now as some of you may know.....Cryptids are animals not proven by science yet.





Other Clubs you've been in:

Fav Cryptid:

Why you choose this Cryptid:









Rua121Lua:Mothman Leader

Fenrir:Black Shuck Inactive!

Random King:Loch Ness Monster Half and Half

devo20:The Jersey Devil Inactive!

jacoby746:Abominable Snowman Somewhat Active

Axel C.:Amarock Inactive!

hawkhunter96:Tyberius Inactive!

300amirz:Champ Inactive!

Raptorwolf3000:Werewolf Active!

lLost Reptilian Soull:Mokele-mbembeInactive!

The_prince_of_death:Lizardman Active!

cardzrule:Bigfoot Inactive

Monohawks:Owlman Inactive

jasa159:Cherufe Inactive

cardcrazyboy:Ghost Werewolf Active!

Princ-AZ3-Ogo Pogo Active!

Envoy of Infinity -Ao Ao Active!


Kaden The Dark:ThunderbirdInactive


Infinity Sparker:Beast of Bodmin Moor ??

Shadowchidori525:Chupacabra ??

Granty Boy:Kraken Inactive!

Twin Seed:Death Raptor Active!

Davok:Wendigo Inactive!

DemonX:Dragon Inactive!

Lord_Charmander:Yowie Inactive!

Master_zuo_ci:Dragon Inactive

.:Lawliet:.-Ghost Active!

Professor - Mothman Active!

Each member will have a rating the list goes as followed....


Believer:Rua121Lua,Fenrir's Herald,Crazymanguy4,devo20,jacoby746,300amirz,lLost Reptlian Soull

Witness:Monohawks,Raptorwolf3000,The_prince_of_death,Coraline Girl,kidkidpie,Kaden The Dark

Explainable:Axel C.,hawkhunter96,cardzrule,jasa159,cardcrazyboy,Envoy of Infinity,Prince-AZ3,DNovaKnight,

Unbelievable:Shadowchidori525,Infinity Sparker,fit8,Granty Boy,Davok,DemonX,Lord_Charmander

Hoax:Master_zuo_ci, Professor

To go up ranking you have to do deeds for the club and such. Ok well thats all.......for now.





[spoiler=UPDATES (Goes from Oldest to Newest) NEW UPDATE]

UPDATE #1:Contest Created!!


UPDATE #2:Role Play Created!!!


UPDATE #3:Banner Made


UPDATE #4:1st Affiliate!


UPDATE #6:Sighting Corner OPEN!!!


UPDATE #7: New Season Of MonsterQuest Started--On Wednesday 10:00 P.M. Pacific Time They're Going To Loch Ness to See If Nessie Died--Check It Out!!! (We shall discuss about it on Thursday)








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Underwater! Spongebob Club!

~Ðëå₮ћ ŞŁåşң™~ 's Dragonmaster Club - Long Live the Dragonmasters!

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Nintendo Club






[spoiler=Topic Of The Day]

Disscuss Stonehenge and it's new relative, "Bluehenge"



This is the "Sighting Corner" here we'll talk about new sightings and old ones that aren't explained (Like the Patterson Foot-age....get it it's a corny joke!). The "Sighting Corner" Will usually be the Topic Of The Day. Members are allowed to suggest a SIghtng and add it. If YOU have a sighting and you have a Video or Picture then P.M. it to me, your Sighting may be featured in the "Sighting Corner"!


[spoiler=Sighting Corner]

Still Searching!




[spoiler=If You Didn't Get Our Newsletter]

Sorry, No Newsletter in a while. But that will change....Heh.





Do you need Customers for a Shop, Members for a club or people to rate your cards?? For an amount of points (5 for words, 8 for pic, 10 for pic and words) we'll Sponser Your Club/Shop/Thread/Etc.! There will only be 3 spots left so PURCHASE!!!!




Official and Clubs and Organization rules apply.

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Can you describe what you saw.... well I guess it's time to tell my tale.................................."I was on vacation in New Mexico (I'm not from Mexico or anything). At night we were driving. My friend, who gets car sick easily, had to throw up. We parked the car and let him puke. Then I noticed something in the bushes (They were like 10 meters away). The bushes were moving. I flashed my flashlight and saw Blood-red eyes staring at me. I was scared to death. I mentioned it to my parents on the ride but they just nodded thier heads" FIN

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Lol, Rua, you wouldn't know, but it's funny. My Wierd thing:


I saw this man take a woman into his house, and he held a knife behind his back. Then the woman left. The man got mad. Later I saw him go into this kid's house, he was spying on the man. He was hitting on the kid's mom. The kid was under house arrest for punching his Spanish Teacher. Then it went on, the kid actually saved his street from the wierdo man. Did I mention this is all in a movie, Disturbia?


Well, here's the TRUE Bizarre event: I was in the mountains with my family for the 5 day weekend. I liked walking off by myself to look around the woods. Granted, I heard they'd seen bears, but the owners dogs, Ty and Banjo, were with me a lot and were pretty big dogs. So I felt safe with them around. So as me and the dogs were walking around, I heard a small voice. I looked in the air, and thought I saw something way bigger than a bird fly above me. It was at LEAST my length. So I heard something crash, and I followed were it flew. I saw something, like a human-bird thing. It could talk, I guess, since I heard a voice. But the voice could've been something else. I was around 30 Meters away, and I was watching from behind a tree. I had my camcorder on me, I took it out, but the Bird-thing opened it's mouth, let out some wierd ear-piercing scream, and then I dropped my camcorder behind me. By now, the dogs ran away, but I was intrigued. I turned my back to pick up my camcorder, but when I turned and bent down, I felt a large wind gust above me, then I looked up and saw it flying away. I tried to follow it from the ground for a good pic, but that things was fast, and by the time it loaded, It was to far away for a clean shot. I went back to were I first thought I heard a voice, and saw something laying there. I have no clue what it was, I was to freaked and afraid to walk up to it. But that Bird-thing, that was awesome! My parents didn't believe me, of course. So to this day, whenever we go back up to the mountains, I look for it. But I haven't seen it. But I did hear somewhere, I forget where, but some guy said he saw the same thing, except in his backyard. But his house is in MY neighborhood. So I told him about what I saw in the mountains. I described it, and he said that's exactly like what he saw. So now I wonder if this thing has any purpose, or if it's just a freak of nature, flying around the U.S.A.

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