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Mutants Future Or History........


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Plot:A weird human mutant name Divine that's from the future(the year 3009).He came to recruit people to save his time but he like dropped off the face the earth in the year 2009.When he came a weird mutant wave came and hit some humans in the world(by humans i mean u guys u are joining).Now u wake up feeling different and then in the middle of the day your power was revealed to u(by power i mean the power u picked).So now we have to either protect the world with are powers or just keep it secret for u.








>.>No killing other mutants u can destroy the city but no killing mutants


>.>No playing god u cant be the all mighty mutant that cant be defeated


>.>No Spam






<.< You can a human who tries to help the mutant and keep the secret i don't mine that either




Name:(Regular Name)


Super Hero Or Super Villain Name:(this is for people who want to do this dont need to though)




Appearance:(can be a detail picture or a image)


super hero/villain appearance:(Just for people who want to be one)


Powers:(Can be any power u want)


Weapons:(You can have gear or weapons or watever with u i dont care really)

My Application:





Super Hero Or Super Villain Name:Not doing really





Appearance:My Guy


super hero/villain appearance:Not being one


Powers:Is a fire person he can set his hole body on fire and parts of it on fire and shoot fire balls


Weapons:My blade which i can take out anytime i want

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