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Silver Lining

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"Can you wait a few more minutes?" Chester asked, his voice squeeking a bit.


"They're upstairs...I sugest we don't bother them...." Lucian said, pulling Vinessa up and carried her to her room.

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Chester looked crestfallen, bit into his fish and put his clothes back on.

"Ok....you're right.....let's go to the festival......" Chester said.

"I'm taking a shower first......I haven't since the time I went to your house....." Chester said, walking in the room, and stripping.

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Chester was enveloped in steam as he sang to a song in his head.

"You've got me begging you for mercy! Why won't you release me? "You've got me begging you for mercy! Why won't you release me? Why won't you releaseeeeees me?!!!" Chester danced as well, making sure he looked his best for the festival. He sprayed on some Axe, and then walked out of the bathroom smiling.

"How do I look?" He asked Aly.

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