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Silver Lining

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-- Ohmisgawsh, you know what would be cool? Is the real Twilight roleplay, like with the normal characters and stuff. That would actually be kind of interesting...


The wolves howled and looked ravenously at the three. The large black one headed for Kyle, the beige for Vinessa, and the bronze for Chester. Vinessa fell to the ground when the beige one smacked her to the ground. "Oooo.. Oh no you didn't!"

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OOC: No I like these new characters.....and IF we did that, dibs on Edward.


Chester slammed the bronze wolf with his sharp claws into a tree and it smashed right through.

"Not today you little b!tch." (I used a real dog term!). Chester said grabbing the wolf's tail and slamming it to the ground.

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The wolf then reared up and slashed Chester's arm. The wolf then sent a mach punch to Chester's stomache.

"Ack!" Chester growled, and he flew up into the air and transformed into fire, landing on the wolf, burning him......burning him, the singing fur could be smelled from around him.

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All three wolves were killed successfully, and Vinessa smiled. "No more running. Everything is over. But Aly looks like she might go insane. Have you noticed that she is even thinner then she already was?! The girl must weigh, like, ten pounds..." she chuckled, going to wake her up. "Als, it's okay.. everything's done... we can go home now........" Vinessa said quietly, shaking her.

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Auster got caught under the newborn. He felt his neck ache as he was bitten. He turned to the newborn and put his hand around his neck, and crushed it. Instantly he regained his blood, but also the newborn's. He got up and shook himself. He walked back to Aly and Vineesa. "Ugh. What I miss?"

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