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Silver Lining

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"Fine...." Chester said, looking at her, "But you really arent," Chester said, holding a mirror up to her face.


"Please, you wouldn't last 5 seconds against someone of my caliber......." Aro laughed and disapeared and reapeared behind Rokujo, his fingers on the back of Rokujo's head.

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Rokujo reacted so fast, that the fingers were instead of the back of the head, they were in the front of the head, in Rokujo's hand. "Please, I will last longer than you think, and say goodbye to these fingers of your..." Rokujo ripped of the fingers that were in his hands, which burned like a living hell to Aro.

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"Go away, this is none of your business!" Vinessa growled, pouncing at Gianna.


"So did Vinessa tell you to put a lock on my sleeping bag, or what? Because you know the second your eyes shut I'm going for the gold." Aly said quietly, her voice becoming less and less powerful. She eyed the gun in Chester's pocket.

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Chester smirked. "As a matter of fact, she did," Chester grinned, twirling a silver lock on his fingers. "Besides, I'm not THAT tired," Chester said, going into a coughing fit, "even though i desperatly need it," choked Chester.

"But no gun for you today," He said sternly.

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OOC: Sorry...... can you post the quote please?


Chester sat outside the tent, a little cold as he read his book. He wasn't shivering, but it was a bit uncomfortable. He had to keep Aly safe at all costs, even if he had to nearly kill himself.

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Rokujo reacted so fast' date=' that the fingers were instead of the back of the head, they were in the front of the head, in Rokujo's hand. "[b']Please, I will last longer than you think, and say goodbye to these fingers of your...[/b]" Rokujo ripped of the fingers that were in his hands, which burned like a living hell to Aro.

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Chester was starting to shiver a bit. He could see his breath from the cold air. He pushed the thought out of him. He HAD to be on gaurd for Aly...he had to.


"ARGH!!!" Aro gasped, as his fingers fell off his hands.

"You little whelp!" Aro growled, sending a roundhouse kick and a wave of pure energy towards Rokujo, sending him into the ground, the earth tearing around him. His fingers had already begun healing, his hand small little nubs.

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