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Silver Lining

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--I'll pick up from here instead:


"Fine. I'll show you an emotion. I'll show HATE!!" Rokujo jumped at Chester, and slammed him into the ground punching him in teh face countless times. "I HATE YOU, I HATE ALYSON, I HATE EVERYBODY!! BUT I HATE MYSELF EVEN MORE!! BECAUSE I CAN'T DIE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WANT TOO!!!!!" Rokujo looked like he was going to cry, but he wasn't crying, no matter how much it looked like. But, he wanted too...

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"Time to cut the ties of friendship you backstabbing bastard!!!!" Chester roared, slicing at Rokujo's throat. Chester's face was bleeding from the punches, he saw Rokujo about to cry.

"CRY DAMNIT!!! Be human!!! Show emotion!!! Feel hate!!!! Feel Happiness!!! FEEL ANYTHING!!!!!!!!" Chester screamed, punching Rokujo in the stomach, and then slashed at him again, transforming into a tiger.

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Auster heard the word hate being said repeteivly. He recoiled and bent over. His body started to shudder. "No, not now..." His teeth grew into fangs and he grew ebony fur all over his body. He grew several times larger, and a tail sprouted. He roared and rushed to were Rokujo, Aly, Vinessa, and Chester where.

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"I can't cry, I can't be human, I can't show any emotion that is good, I can't fell happiness, I CAN'T FEEL ANYTHING!!!" Rokujo slammed Chester straighing into a wall, which happened to be a prositution house, which was very... strange.

"No matter how hard I try, I can never do things I want to do! I can't live the life I want to live, I can't taste anything, I can't show happiness anymore! I CAN'T DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS ANYMORE, NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY!! AND NOW I DON'T WANT TO TRY ANYMORE!!"


--Okay? Nice?

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Chester grunted as he was pushed up against the wall. He then grabbed Rokujo by the thrat with both hands.

"Then let me put you out of your misery!!!" Chester growled, as he changed into his most powerful form, a black dragon. He flew high up into the air.

"THE ONLY WAY TO KILL A VAMPIRE IS BY SETTING THEM ON FIRE!!!!" Chester screamed as he flew higher into the air, not letting go of Rokujo.


OOC: Yes, beautiful post Enrise. Try to cath up in the skies Herald.

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OOC: That's death note's theme.


Chester stopped, looking at Rokujo, who had begaun to cry. He then looked at Rokujo with sadness, gently holding on to him with his enourmous hand. He saw his best friend deep inside of there......

"Oh Roky...." Chester said meekly.


OOC: GTG, I'll be back in exactly 3 hours.

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