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Demise + Dragon = OTK


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In hand: Demise, REDMD, Advance Ritual Art, 1 Level 4 or lower Dragon-Type monster.


In Deck: BEWD, or Tri-Horned Dragon.


Step 1: Use ARA on Demise and send BEWD or Tri-Horned Dragon from your Deck to the Graveyard to Summon Demise.


Step 2: If your opponent has cards on his/her field, use Demise effect to pay 2000 and clear the field except him.


Step 3: Normal Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand that does not need a tribute.


Step 4: Remove that Dragon-Type monster from play to Summon REDMD.


Step 5: Use REDMD effect to Special Summon from your Graveyard BEWD or Tri-Horned Dragon from your Graveyard (because you used him for ARA's effect to Summon Demise).


Step 5: With BEWD = 2400 + 3000 + 2800 = 8200 damage = OTK


or with Tri-Horn = 2400 + 2850 + 2800 = 8050 damage = OTK



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