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Internet Wars RP

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple Computer, once invented the "internet". It is used my millions for Entertainment, Information, Research, Gaming, and much more. Your using it right now to be on this website! Now, an evil villan known as Windows is pitting the best of the internet against each other in a tournament. Fight for the I-Net! Now, in this RP, you can use a character from the actual internet, or make up one.


[spoiler= Form ] Name:

Made-up or Real:

From(provide link or description);


Type (Flash Game Character, Program, Website, etc.):

Gender(if given):

Age(if given):



Home Battlefield(Website, Flash Game, Program, etc. Provide link or description.):

Extra Info:


[spoiler= My Form ] Name: The Chosen One

Made-up or Real: Real

From: Animator VS Animation Series (Link)

Weapons/Abilites: Lazer Eyes, Fire Breath, Rockets, Paint Buckets, Ninja Throwing Stars, Bow-And-Arrows (Yes he is OP, i am taking the weapons from the movie)

Type: Flash Movie Character

Gender: M

Pic: draw_stick_figure.gif

Bio: Created in some Computer Program, his battles against his animator were soon posted online, thus creating the animator VS. Animation series. In the sequal to the flash movie, he becomes The Chosen One, increasing his power dramatically. Wielding everything imaginable from lazer eyes to Bows-And-Arrows, he is VICIOUS. He even stars in his own Flash Game. He has been recruited by Windows to eliminate the other competetors.

Home Battlefield: Desktop (Setting in the movie)

Extra Info: Rarely speaks


[spoiler= Rules ] 1. No spamming

2. No flamming

3. No godmodding

4. No swearing

5. No extreme violence

6. Other YCM rules


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Name: Ask a Ninja Ninja (not a typo)

Made-up or Real: Real

From(provide link or description): www.askaninja.com

Weapons/Abbilities: Ninja-ness

Type (Flash Game Character, Program, Website, etc.): Website, Ninja

Gender(if given): Male

Age(if given): Older than you

Pic: www.askaninja.com (go there to see him)

Bio: He is a ninja, he has a webshow, he kills people.

Home Battlefield(Website, Flash Game, Program, etc. Provide link or description.): www.askaninja.com

Extra Info: I am Ninja (from the Theme Song)

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