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Monarch/Apprentics. Nothing special


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Heres the list


monster: (22-23)


3x Raiza (Need to obtain copies)

3x Thestalos

3x Mobius (been told not to main, doing it anyways)

1x Zaborg (dont have, but this and the cydras kill all my soul exchanges)

2x Cyber dragon

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Breaker the Magical warrior

1x Magician of faith

2x Apprentice

2x OVM

1x Seer (When I get a second, then I may swap for OVM)

1x Sangan

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Treeborn. Son


Spell (13-14)

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm

1x Premature Burial

1x Pot Of avarice

1x Brain Control

1x Nobleman Of Crossout

1x Smashing Ground


1x Scapegoat

1x Book Of Moon

2x Enemy Controller

2x Shrink


traps: (4)

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Ceasefire

1x Call of the Haunted


Side Deck (not completed)


3x Solemn Judgment (own 1x)

3x Pulling the Rug (own 0x) (TRADE ME)

3x Macros Cosmos (own 3x)

2x Jinzo (own 1x)

2x Royal Decree (own 2x)

1x Nobleman Of Crossout (own)

1x Pot Of avarice/Giant Trunade


Pot of avarice v.s trunade. for side?


Well, In one duel, I used my one pot of avarice 3 times, with MOF bringing it back, resetting my engine, and putting itself back into the deck so it can be used again. Maybe Another one would speed up the draw rate. Maybe it would clog.


If anyone could help me come to a decision, I would greatly appreciate it.



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Far too many Monarchs. Take the Mobius out and side them(!) You've not got enough ways to tribute them to be honest' date=' you need MORE Soul Exchanges, not less and more tributes. You don't need Shrink at all, what would you use it on?



I tested this deck, and the only reason I have been unable to tribute a monster is from my own stupidity and forgetting to spec summon treeborn when I can. The apprentice cards give me enough fodder for 10 monarchs. I see where your going with the shrinks, they were actually in my last deck and never made their way out.


If I were to side mobius, what from my side deck would I main, solemn/pulling/jinzo?

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