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Pokemon Canon Region RP v2


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This is the roleplaying thread!

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Note: The News Section will be held in the Application Sheet Thread.

Note: New TMs/HMs will be also posted in the Application Sheet Thread.

Make sure if you want to talk to me just put the following text --> "OOC:" to talk if you don't put it in you will be banned for hours, days, or maybe weeks.


~ Use OOC: to talk to me or other players.

~ No God-Modding or playing other people's characters.

~ DO NOTask me to level-up your Pokemon, or Trainer.

~ DO NOTask me to give you a rare pokemon, item, key item, raising your money lending you some badges.

~ Most certainly don't ever threat any players on here I'll report you and you'll automattically be banned from the RP for good.

Banned People


- The only way being here not following the rules is the above and if you bother me to much.

- 1st Ban = Warning:banned for 1 to 3 hours

- 2nd Ban = For 1 to 6 days

- 3rd ban = 1 week to a month

- 4th Ban = a month to half a year

Note: I don't want to see you guys in this list please follow the rules.

- 5th Ban = Banned from the RP FO'EVA


Introduction: Your on a boat on your way to Canon Region you'll now start off as the boat stops.

Trainer Profiles

Name: Juan

Age: 10



EXP: 0/55


- Tackle

- Growl

Money: $ 3,000

Badges: (None)

Elite 4: (None)

Ribbons: (None)

Trainer Level: 0

Trainer EXP: 0/5

Description: Blue shirt, black pants. Spikey black hair, son of the Kanto Region Gym Leader Koga.

Character By Flopsie


Name: Tucker

Age: 14




Lv: 5

Experience: 15/55


- Quick Attack

- Leer



Pikachu "Sparks"

Lv: 5

EXP: 0/55


- Quick Attack

Money: $3000


~ PokeDex

~ x5 PokeBall

Badges: 0

Elite Four: 0

Trainer Lv: 0

Trainer Exp: 0/5

Description: 101.png

Character By Voltage


Name: Chester Bradforth

Age: 15

Pokemon: Snorunt

Lv: 5

Experience: 0/55


- Tackle

- harden

Money: $4.000

Badges: 0

Elite Four: 0

Trainer Lv: 0

Trainer Exp: 0/5

Character By HyuugaKing


Name: Chris

Age: 18

Pokemon: Squirtle


EXP: 0/55




Money: $ 3,000

Badges: (None)

Elite 4: (None)

Trainer Level: 0

Trainer EXP: 0/5

Description: Looking for sprite.

Character By X-31 Fighter

Gym Leaders

Elite Four



Contest Entries



Rank: (Optional) (Example: Beginner)

How many Pokemon: (How much are you going to use and their names).


Missions/Special Missions


Explore Ferien Town

- Prof. Lab - Route 0

- Police Station - Route 1

Reward: Trainer EXP - 15

To explore Ferien Town explore the above.^


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Tucker felt a riggle on his belt, he looked down to see his only pokemon shaking violently.

"Elekid, do you want come out now?"

The pokemon glowed and opened sending a yellow and black pokemon that looked alot like a plug in a explosion of light. The Elekid looked up at Tucker with a smile.

Looking at the town and the great vast landscape behind it in the distance. He looked at Elekid and then at the town

"Elekid lets go get the Canon Region Championship!"

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Tucker and Elekid run into the town at full speed lookin at each other with huge smiles on thier faces, while they where doing this they suddenly run into a man in a large science white coat. He beams down on the laughing twosome on the gound after thier fall.

Tucker: hello, i'm here to see the proffesor, i've heard he hands out missions to trainers. do you know where he is?

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"Tucker I've heard of you from the Captain of S.S. Anne, me I'm the professor...Professor Cedar that is". the Prof. said, "Here take this here Pokedex and x5 Pokeballs". He continued.

"Now Tucker here's a mission for you go catch yourself a Pokemon now Elekid won't be lonely".


Catch A Pokemon

Reward: A New Pokemon

Description:Go into the grass and wait until Daxinator says you've found a Pokemon and catch it!

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Come on Elekid we need to find a pokemon for you to battle! either we defeat it and you get stronger or we capture it and train it with you, what do you think.

Elekid looked puzzled at the floor then jumped up and down pretending to hug an invisible figue in front of him.

You want to have a friend?

Elekid smiles and nodds

Lets go then

(walking in the grass)

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Wow! A pikachu, go Elekid!

Elekid jumps in front of Tucker glowing with electricty

Go Elekid use leer, then a quick attack twice then i'll throw a pokeball and try to capture it!!

Elekid quickly jumps into action and uses leer and quick attack twice while the pikachu used growl once

Tucker then threw a pokeball at the damaged pikachu


(plz let it be captured, i don't want to wait for ages before i find another one

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's not how my battle system works

Elekid used Leer on Pikachu and lower its attack. Pikachu uses Quick Attack and does 20 damage.


Elekid: 35

Pikachu: 55


Elekid uses Quickattack, and Pikachu uses Iron Tail and lowers Elekid's Defense.

Elekid uses Quickattack again and does 20 more damage.


Elekid: 35

Pikachu: 15

Tucker throws the Pokeball..............




You've Captured A Pikachu !

do you want to name it.

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