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Disgaea 3: Abscence of Justice


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[align=center]The best RPG ever. And no, it is not debateable.


Disgaea 3 is the story of Mao, a demon who takes revenge on his dad for deleting his game saves.


I got two of my characters to lv.9999 in disgaea 2, and I'm playing this one fast!


My favorite character is Axel, by the way.[/align]

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I have played one and two but never been able to beat them.For the first one i am at the part with Kurtis attacking The Netherworld.And in number two i am Just two battles away until i get to the last fight.I am onlt level 120 in one and 200 in number two lol.They say number three is really good i might buy it in a week.But before i buy how good is it since you played it

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