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Hex Season 1 RP [PG-17][Started][Accepted by PM or invites]

Soul Legacy

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This RP is based on the TV series Hex, it does not matter if you have not watched it, its basically a mystic RP full of demons, fallen (or forsaken)angels, witches and many other mystical creatures.





In modern times, at a 17th century university building, strange things have been happening, students are being ubducted by a strange man who says hes using them as sacrifices. And are question is why would a human want to sacrifce people, or is he human?


But he isn't the only one who is strange, some students at the university challenge him and question him without being frighted, these people are also magical, and they will do anything to stop him.










Bio (Optinal):


Good or Evil:

What Are You (Witch, Fallen Angel, Demon, Half Demon, Ghost Or Human):








Name: Agas Constentine

Age: 16

Bio: N/A

Apperance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes and a Pretty Face

Good Or Evil: Good

What Are You: Witch








1. Agas Constentine (¦Kylarnatias Soul¦)

2. John Caster (Juvinielle)

3. TENTAMARU NARA (essa death creator)

4. Rokujo Miharu (Enrise)

5. Takashi Kiryu (Fenrirs Hearld)

6. Schiver (Final Fantasy Revalutions)

7. Jorge` Manaria (I Love Disturbed14)

8. Shade (Lord Of Chaos)

9. Necrom (Lord Of Chaos)

10. Omar (Dark Necros)




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Name: Schiver

Age: 28

Bio: Schiver is not a student at this particular school he is more like a wanderer of sorts, and he is more then tempted to stop this certain man. Not much is known about Schiver other then he arrived in town about four days ago and he is always seen sitting on the bench right across from the school. Some say that they feel a dark, yet inspiring presence from him...



Good or Evil: Neutral

What Are You: Fallen Angel

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--It is I, the one that made the most awesome RP Plot Twister in your RP (Darkness).


Name: Rokujo Miharu

Age: 16

[spoiler=Bio:] Rokujo has no records or data on him at any information center. However, Rokujo has a past all written in a fictional book, or what appears to be a fictional book. Rokujo made it in code however, so that nobody can figure out his past events. Rokujo was about 13 years old when he had to live by himself, because his parents were always away, and his brother moved out. He had no trouble strangely, it was like he did it before. Despite this odd turn of events in his life, Rokujo isn't what you would call, "normal", of anything. His intelligence is too high for anybody, so he can use this advantage for almost any purpose. With that also, he also has great strength, which also helps him in fights, in order to protect the weak, which he was known for in every school he went, even though, he was always called the term, "Geno Killer". However, there is more to Rokujo than just this short Biography of him.





Good or Evil: Good

What Are You: Fallen Angel, but a bit different from the rest. You will know later in the RP.


--Also, I get dibbs on Agas!

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Name: Takashi Kiryu

Age: 18

Bio (Optinal): Takashi is a beast demon. He is the envoy of beasts and therefor has a beast like appearance. He can control his human/demon form. He can change at will though his personality changes drastically.

Apperance: Black hair, red/feral like eyes.

Good or Evil: Good

What Are You (Witch, Fallen Angel, Demon, Half Demon, Ghost Or Human): Demon



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mind if I have 2 char. would allow me to play to my fullest(and if someone wants the 2nd they can have)



Age: unknown

Bio (Optinal): Shade's blade took control of many people gaining more and more power as it did finaly he became stronge enuff to creat it's own body. Shade began to feed off of his minions draining there very souls, as time went on the one who first encountered the blade found a blade that counteracted the power of Mellevlence edge(Shade's blade)




Good or Evil: Evil

What Are You: demon




Name: Necrom

Age: 23(has stopped aging)

Bio (Optinal): Necrom seeked great power to help him keep piece in the world when he discuvered the sword of demons Mellevlence edge. After he held the sword he became it's servent and was forced to savigly kill anything and everything living. As time past teh sword parted with Necrom and it moved to other that saught power. Necrom swor to destory that sword even if ment for him to die




Good or Evil: Good

What Are You: Human


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OoC:Both Excepted, And we can start now




Agas wondered around the buildings court yards under the 500 year old oak tree, she was minding her own buisness when suddenly she felt a sudden blow of cold air, she looked around and saw nothing, she then felt another blust of cold wind.


Agas: Hmmmm, somthing does not feel right.......


she then circled the tree looking for what dark forces could be making that blust of wind, she then came round to the hollow hole deep inside the tree she looked in and suddenly an owl jumped out on her making her jump back and fall to the floor, the owl flew away with two hoots. Agas got up and laughed, she then felt a blust of warm breath on the back of her neck, she turned around to be shocked by a demon staring right in her face, she flew back to the tree in fright as the demon roared at her. She then got back up and drew a simitar sword, the demon charged at her with a mace and prepared to strike, but Agas striked earlier and shoved the sword right up through the demons throat. The demon the fell to the ground screaming and bleeding to death.

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Rokujo was ontop of a building, the tallest building in fact, which overlooked everything. He then saw a girl watching a Demon bleed to death, he saw that she was then stopped by a Shadowy Figure. He then flew down to her and the shadowy figure, and said, "Oi, I suggest you don't fight here." Rokujo emmited a strong aura for a split second, making both of them aware of his power.

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Rokujo saw the shadow figure went away, and looked at Agas, who introduced herself to him. "I'm Rokujo Miharu." Rokujo looked at Agas's eyes, and he got a feeling he never had before. "What is this feeling? I can't be.... Can I?" Rokujo thought throughout his mind.

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Rokujo frowned, and looked away. "I'm not so sure about that. I have lived the most horrible past. I'm the author of this book." Rokujo held out a book that was the best seller, which contained the most bloodiest of scenes, the most drama, everything that people loved, all in that book. "This book, is my life, but it is in code. You have to figure out the code to find out about my past, if you can figure it out that is." Rokujo's book then disappeared, and he looked at Agas. "It usually isn't good to see me, especially if I am in a bad mood."

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At this time it was forty five minutes past noon, and the sun was just now rising to it's highest and brightest state. The man did as he did everyday. He walked down the street, turned a corner to walk along the schoolyard fence, cross the street, and take his usual seat at a park bench right across from this particular schoolyard. The children would see him there everyday, they would take about him or about how they never see him eating or drinking anything despite the fact that he sits there all day for hours on end. None of the students had the courage to approach the man that they talked so much about, they only knew that he could always be found at that particular park bench everyday on almost every hour....

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