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Yu-Gi-Oh! Re-Charged!! |Started| (Still accepting via PM)


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Santi woke and looked around.


"meh. what a weird dream, i thought i saw a giant octopus raping the teacher, while a penguin that seemed like a dragon appeared and said: POO I CHOOSE YOU PIKACHU... I better stop eating pizza at night". Santi then walked to Grieves class.

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Santi was waiting patiently in grieves class and started to look at his deck again.

This time he was sure something was gone. "hmm, i remember a card... soul eating something, it was like a circle but there was also something else".


OoC: Santi lost soul eating orb and the evil shadow that was possesing him, he still has no soul


(aka hes no longer a NSR)

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"Ok now class." The chancellor said in a loud enough tone for all to hear. "Mr. Grieves is not here right now, so I will be teaching your class until a new teacher is prepared." The chancellor then looked through a clipboard left there be Grieves. "Oh, you guys were set to learn Type Equip Cards today, how interesting..." He said turning to a new page and taking role call...

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OMG I am soo sorry for forgetting to apply


Name: Prof. Talon

Age: 20-something

Gender: Male

Dorm: Teacher

Duelist or NSR: Duelist

Deck: Basilian

Favorite Card: Any interesting card

Bio: After traveling the world, Talon came upon the Duel Academy and decided he liked it there. He was intrigued by the many kinds of duelists and unexpected events that occurred there. Also, he feels compelled to a great secret hidden somewhere within..

Appearance: 13.png?et=GZJfgOb5MgbtRExP6JP6Nw&nmid=0

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The chancellor smiled at the young mans level of respect. "Yes, you have a question..umm..." The chancellor looked through the clipboard. "Jax, is that right?" The chancellor said in a very respectful and polite way of speaking to Jax, the chancellor has always treated students with the same level of respect as they gave him...

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ooc: Jax wasn't in Grieves class before, that was Zacharias.


"Hm, but according to this chart you haven't been in my class yet. So please, give this class a chance even if your other classes were easier. And if you still won't a change I will give you a harder class." The chancellor said as he put down the clipboard. "Ok, so the only person missing is Omar." And Grieves, but I can't bring that up to the students... The chancellor thought feeling bad that he hasn't done more yet...

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Name:Alex X



Dorm: (Slifer Red, Ra Yellow, Obelisk Blue or Teacher)Teacher

Duelist or NSR:unknown


Favorite Card:Red eyes Black Dragon

Bio: (Must be at least 3 sentences long)As a kid he was a duelist but he always got headstrong.He would always accept a challenge.One day he found a card lying on the ground,that card was "red eyes".Something unusual happened when he picked it up the card "talked" it said "thank you" .Ever since then the spirit of the card was a friend to Alex.

Appearence: (Use tektek.org)c7df214.png

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Sheppard took his time and calculated an answer. "He has taken a...legitimate league of absence, he has gone home because his mother has fallen ill and Grieves needed to see her. His mother is very old and she may not be able to survive this disease..." Sheppard said as he gave a convincing frown to Ken. I'm sorry, though I hate lying to my students, I can't let them know the truth or they may endanger there lives... Sheppard said as he turned his attention to the clipboard again...

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