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Final Countdown>This




Final Countdown is definitely not better than this. This' date=' if played right, takes four turns to win. Final Countdown takes ten.



Final countdown is one, easy to defend card.


This is five.


In an FC deck, I would have my opponent try to MST my Countdown, only for Solemn to shut that plan down. FC can't be solemned after it is activated, protecting it from the main card negator.


The second a Destiny letter hits the field, it can be MST'd or Solemn'd. Also, it the shot misses, just hit them with the other.


FC's immunity to Solemn gives it a huge advantage, it has 1-3 worries, DB has 4-6.


About the only boost Destiny Board has over Countdown is the card advantage, not that it matters though, since when you activate "F"'s effect, its fair game for solemn.


Final Countdown can also have its cost made a mute point by activating rainbow life.

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Final Countdown>This




Final Countdown is definitely not better than this. This' date=' if played right, takes four turns to win. Final Countdown takes ten.



Final countdown is one, easy to defend card.


This is five.


In an FC deck, I would have my opponent try to MST my Countdown, only for Solemn to shut that plan down. FC can't be solemned after it is activated, protecting it from the main card negator.


The second a Destiny letter hits the field, it can be MST'd or Solemn'd. Also, it the shot misses, just hit them with the other.


FC's immunity to Solemn gives it a huge advantage, it has 1-3 worries, DB has 4-6.


About the only boost Destiny Board has over Countdown is the card advantage, not that it matters though, since when you activate "F"'s effect, its fair game for solemn.


Final Countdown can also have its cost made a mute point by activating rainbow life.


Final Countdown doesn't stay on the field after it is activated, so MST can't do anything to it either.


I might be wrong, but I don't think you can chain Solemn Judgment to the placing of a Spirit Message card by the effect of Destiny Board.

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Solmn can be chained to the triggering of an effect. Board triggers every time it brings out a messanger.


Also' date=' I completely forgot about that part of Final Countdown, as I almost always do.



You can't chain Solemn Judgment to Royal Oppression after the first time it is activated, so I doubt you can chain Solemn Judgment to Destiny Board after the first time it is activated.

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Final Countdown is definitely not better than this. This' date=' if played right, takes four turns to win. Final Countdown takes [b']ten.[/b]


You should read cards before you make an argument


I don't count my opponent's turns in that instance.


It takes ten of your own turns to win.


Destiny Board takes four of your own turns to win.


Destiny Board is much easier to win with.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Destiny Board is much easier to win with.


Get the funk out.

Final countdown is one' date=' easy to defend card.


This is five.


In an FC deck, I would have my opponent try to MST my Countdown, only for Solemn to shut that plan down. FC can't be solemned after it is activated, protecting it from the main card negator.


The second a Destiny letter hits the field, it can be MST'd or Solemn'd. Also, it the shot misses, just hit them with the other.


FC's immunity to Solemn gives it a huge advantage, it has 1-3 worries, DB has 4-6.


About the only boost Destiny Board has over Countdown is the card advantage, not that it matters though, since when you activate "F"'s effect, its fair game for solemn.


Final Countdown can also have its cost made a mute point by activating rainbow life.



Sorry for double posting, but just about everything Logmon1 said in this post was wrong.

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