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for all you that want a GOOD yugioh forum...

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Guest PikaPerson01

I don't find you that skilled' date=' but it may just be because I can never read what you say, and assume it's always gibberish.



This, except the few words that I can read show how unskilled ton really is. Furthermore, it looks like his site is either not working or more probably, he misspelled it.

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lets see how good crab helmet is when on this forum' date=' im nowhere near as good as any of the players on this forum, witch is really saying somthign considerign im probably one of the top 5 players on this site


anyhoo join at your peril





The fact that you cannot spell makes it hard to believe anything you say.


Since when have you been one of the Top 5 players on this site?

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Guest PikaPerson01

I joined, just to read ton's posts. Yeah, they're hilarious.


Overall though, the people there seem much more knowledgeable about the game then this rat hole.

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I've been a member of UkayPro since January 1, 2008.


I know of some of the members, and I'll agree that some of them are good, but from what I've seen, none of them are better than PikaPerson01 or Crab Helmet.


Toni, no offense, but your ego is bigger than Rosie O' Donnell.


EDIT: I was thinking, and I figured out why toni's writing is so bad. It's because he can't see the keyboard over his overinflated ego, so he has to just wing it and type to the best of his ability.

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I would've hoped that my computer stopped the virus, but it appears my protection is more reactive than proactive.


I got some guy to download over 9,000 Anti-Spyware/Malware/Virus programs, and run them all. He said it should be fine now, but I ran it again and I still have Adware.Tracking Cookie.


Lol, that's one of those generic spywares, isn't it.

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the ukay players are well better than the us players everyone knows that :S


Yeah right mataza the zapper and the creator pffft. The only "good" (if we can say they are good) players always win because they have no competition over there.


the ukay players are well better than the us players everyone knows that :S



wrong' date=' south american players are way better... but doesn't take us in consideration...



The only countries I consider good are Italy, Japan and Australia. (well at least the guy who top 4 worlds twice)


American's have good players but their country has so many noobs compare to them it's not even hard to win a tournament over there because you will often have 3 good players and 50 noobs. It's about the same thing for Canada and France.


I don't know about Germany though, I heard it's full of cheaters/rule shark.


Madagascar has an interesting meta. Belgium has Guy Israel.


Mexico, Brazil, Spain... bunch of noobs.


I don't know about the other countries.

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