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The (Un) Official World Championship 2008 Battle Request Thread


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[align=center]The Tournament....has begun....


You have World Championship 2008?? Then you'd be crazy not to post your friend code here! You can duel against other people to your heart's content! Also, you can send me a PM of who won so I can update the "Victories" Section. If we get enough contenders, I may be able to start a WC2008 YCM Tournament! So bring it on!!!


My Friend Code: 1504-5610-0856


I can't wait to test the skill of my fellow YCMers.



- 1 Match = 1 Victory. Only the person who won best 2 out of 3 in a match gets a victory.

- If a duel ends in a DRAW, both duelists get a victory.


Recent Victories - I will post who has recently dueled and their Victories/Losses and who their recent duel was.


Template: (Name)(Victories/Losses/Total)(Most Recent Duel)


- OmegaZXA 6/4/10 (V.S. Space Ranger Gold Match Duel)

- J123 0/2/2 (V.S. OmegaZXA Match Duel SUDDEN DEATH)

- Space Ranger Gold 1/2/3 (V.S. OmegaZXA Match Duel)

- Armadilloz 3/2/5 (V.S. OmegaZXA Single Duel)



Yes...prizes. I am offering Points prizes to whomever achieves a certain amount of victories. Hopefully, this will entice people to compete!

10 Victories - 20 Points

20 Victories - 30 Points

30 Victories - 40 Points

40+ Victories - 50 Points (50 Points recieved after every 10 victories)[/align]

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Just restarted game. What until I finish it again. (2 hours' date=' tops.)



Again? I'm stuck in the world of Order. Damn reverse cloud world......Senju is a pain in the butt. He's an easy beat, but I have to beat him in 5 turns. That's impossible with his Ritual Deck on Steroids!

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I Would but I'm to buisy trying to own Beast King Barbaros


That took me awhile but......



Chain Destruction

Chain Healing

Counter Traps


Anything that can be used to counter. Also, sometimes....Negating his card effects is a bad thing. Since you can make a chain off of his stuff.

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I've beaten the game three times. The third time I unlocked every pack. It's not that difficult at all. I just have to find my WC08, then I could defeat some of you, I guess.


Just for the record, Senju's Deck is horrible.

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You forgot Chain burst' date=' Cemetary bomb, and maybe accumulated fortune

Also, for monsters, I just used High atttack beatsticks to lower his lifepoints a bit.



Gemini Elf, Slate Warrior, Zombyra the Dark, Vorse Raider, Gilgarth....just to name a few beatsticks.

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Just restarted game. What until I finish it again. (2 hours' date=' tops.)



My lil bro restarted the game when I was at school just today! :cry:

I was so far.

Now Im F***ed


Remember guys, my lil bro started a new game, I swear I had a great file with an awesome kickass beatdown deck, but, know, as I only have Starter Deck -_-, I'll verse someone but you might win as I only have the pre-made deck :cry:

My Friend Code is: 4124 9740 4290. NOTE: I might not be on much


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