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Megaman-SH Club


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my first megaman game was probably megaman four, since my brother let me play and beat that. after that it was megaman zero and megaman bn games. then i downloaded X 1-3 on my computer and played those, then got into starforce and zx games when i finally got my ds. <.< im still fuming about the fact that i was supposed to have the X collection twice by now and even though i was told that it was set aside for me to pick up later that day, some @$$hole up and sold it out from under me ayway! >o< ingrates....>.>

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yeah. i seriously liked zxa just for the simple fact that the a-trans ability allows you to not only gains some of the powers of your deefeated opponents, but all of them. its seriously cool since you also get to change into said opponents as well. once i got the zx-trans i mostly stayed with it, excluding when i was going through ouroborous. i tought that since i was basically going to face the guy that created vent in the first place, as well as the creator of model a, i thought that i should stay as model a the whole time, excluding when i would need the abilities of my enemies to get to certain places.



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i had both collections classic and x and have both zx games for bn i have 3 blue cant find 4 blue moon bn5 protoman and for 6 i have both and for zero have 3 want to get 4 and for star forc e have all starforce 1 pegasus starforce 2 ninja and for 3 black ace never had legends i think it is the worst one

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i am ineterested in zx 3 as well.


i never completed even the first level of legends. it parted to far from the original story and sucked way too much, so im in complete agreement with that one.


and that really is screwed up! whats more, they had a FEMALE voice for model a when axle is supposed to be a GUY! real smooth dipshits of capcom!


and they probably said advent instead of axl since they thought it suonded cooler. <.< ingrates....-.-

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yo do realize that most of the megaman chars have girls as voice actors -_-"

in both Japanese and english version, so stop your bichin -_-"

and stop saying crap about DASH

you want my true opinion on BN? it sucked balls, story was retarded, characters were gay, the fact that megaman was a softwere is trully retarded and battle system was annoying as hell, and the music made me want to cut off my ears -_-

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