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Megaman-SH Club


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Shadow - It's not epic


DSS - Ar Hacking = You can't beat the game........so shadow's n00by.

I still need freakin' 11 cards! I'll test out more Chipers today.


Anywayz' date='


lol i have rouge noise but i dont even have black ace

any one else have it?


Black ace isn't a noise form. He's a Finalize form. You have to get your Noise % over 200, and if it's still over 200 when you go to the Custom Screen, a message will appear saying Meteor Server Access. Click it.


I realized that like 10 mins after i posted that

personally i thought it would have been harder to get rouge noise

and i beat the main story already

btw dss sweet banner bro think u could help me make one?

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thank you everyone and i well give sprite sheet right now




NP dude' date=' enjoy the club.


Ah' date=' Protosoul.


Not as good as Gyrosoul Though ;)



You're right. Protosoul's BETTER than Gyrosoul. :D


PROTOSOUL OWNS! I just like him better than Gyrosoul.


Can i join as Mega Man X?


Welcome to the club dude. Enjoy the club. :D


BTW, Sorry I haven't been posting. My computer broke. T_T So I have to use my parents' computer, and I have to let them get on it. I should have my own computer soon though. Then I will be able to post more. :D

But until then, please deal with me cause I might now and then have to reply on a lot of stuff. I'm sorry.

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sorry guys. protosoul may look cooler, but gyrosoul is actually much more useful with its charged shot. btw, serach soul owns all, especially with chaos unison! so you are both wrong imho. unless someone else knows of a better double soul then that. btw, out of your opinions, who do you think is the best chaos unison of all time? my money's on chaos search soul.

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I realized that like 10 mins after i posted that

personally i thought it would have been harder to get rouge noise

and i beat the main story already

btw dss sweet banner bro think u could help me make one?


thx ^_^ i love my new banner and avatar aswell XD

and hmmm i'll try' date=' but i can't guarantee that she will accept ^^"

but i'll ask her


and shadow, Pirate soul owns all o3o



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sorry guys. protosoul may look cooler' date=' but gyrosoul is actually much more useful with its charged shot. btw, serach soul owns all, especially with chaos unison! so you are both wrong imho. unless someone else knows of a better double soul then that. btw, out of your opinions, who do you think is the best chaos unison of all time? my money's on chaos search soul.



First off, I said I like Protosoul better than Gyrosoul. Second, I will give you that, Gyrosoul is very handy in BN but so is Protosoul. I rest my case there. And of course SEARCHSOUL RULES/OWNS ALL! I can't think of any better souls then Searchsoul.


I realized that like 10 mins after i posted that

personally i thought it would have been harder to get rouge noise

and i beat the main story already

btw dss sweet banner bro think u could help me make one?


thx ^_^ i love my new banner and avatar aswell XD

and hmmm i'll try' date=' but i can't guarantee that she will accept ^^"

but i'll ask her


and shadow, Pirate soul owns all o3o




I'll addmit, he looks cool. But I still think Search rules.



pirate soul? which bn game is that from?


Ya' date=' i've never heard of him.


click on the spoiler and you'll see xD

i think it will have something to do with OSS ^.^


I don't see it.

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DSS, I like your new AVY and sig.


could someone make me a protosoul avatar with my name in it and a banner with black ace and protosoul in it with my name


I'd try, but someone told me I sucked, so I doubt I will.


Anyway, why are we on the topics of soul?

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donno but the pic of megaman looking like a pirate is more of a....how should i say this Pirate Wave noise Oo....i'm guessing that in the next game he will have to deal with Pirateman.exe since its in the BN univers


oh yeah almost forgot...thx Xing ^^

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