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Megaman-SH Club


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What. I'm not good at finding cards >.>


Buy Them...


umm try every chiper code to get some cards that can't be found by killing viruses or bosses


i have a secret that allows me to get almost every single card in the game without too much fuss. its called' date=' every single time i run into a virus, i battle it. its the best way to get them, although admittedly you catn get them all like that. some aren't gotten except through the use of codes or having requirements fulfilled to get them in the epilogue side story as you advance through it, such as having all of your standard chips and such. and sadly while you can buy some of them, you can only get others with codes, like the wave command cards for dragon, leo, and pegasus from sf1.


and dragon, kwlegend. sincerest greetings, and welcome to the megaman-sh club.


f.y.i. sh stands for shen-haitaku. this was done, iirc, mainly due to the fact that there was a formoer member who attempted stealing all of the sprites of the time and beginning a rival megaman thread. he, of course, gained a perma-ban for his troubles.[hr']

and 104 pages in tihs thread with 2,070 posts. tell me that's not epic! :D

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Shadow - It's not epic


DSS - Ar Hacking = You can't beat the game........so shadow's n00by.

I still need freakin' 11 cards! I'll test out more Chipers today.




lol i have rouge noise but i dont even have black ace

any one else have it?


Black ace isn't a noise form. He's a Finalize form. You have to get your Noise % over 200, and if it's still over 200 when you go to the Custom Screen, a message will appear saying Meteor Server Access. Click it.

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okay, for starters i am not nooby. what i said was that every time i come up against a virus, i fight in order to get the force card. you can get most of them that way except for the ones that are exclusive to card traders, shops, and codes for cards from previous games as well as cards for the other games in the same sf set.


for example, you can use the wave command cards in sf2 to get some of the cards from sf1 games as well as some cards from the other sf2 games. and if this is something that people aren't aware of, then its not me being nooby, its them not knowing and me giving them the info. after all, thats what a major part of this thread is, right? sharing your knowledge with others. although i am of the opinion that everyone already knew what i said in this post and misunderdstood what i said in my previous post, hence the elaboration.

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