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heh. well i dont really know about the afore mentioned mmo arcade-type game, but i do appreciate that someone finally understood what i was getting at with zero.exe. thanks! ^-^ and thanks alot for the person who did the finding of the materials for a zero.exe sprite, hopefully someone can create it for me so that i can have it now? o-o' i really hope so. oh, and thanks for welcoming me to the club JBlaster!^^

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heh. well i dont really know about the afore mentioned mmo arcade-type game' date=' but i do appreciate that someone finally understood what i was getting at with zero.exe. thanks! ^-^ and thanks alot for the person who did the finding of the materials for a zero.exe sprite, hopefully someone can create it for me so that i can have it now? o-o' i really hope so. oh, and thanks for welcoming me to the club JBlaster!^^



umm that was me dude xD

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yeah, sorry about that. i was kinda writing the response and i coudlnt remember who did what, the only thing i remembered was that JBlaster welcomed me and one other person to the club and the rest was on the previous page so.......hang on...................o.k., here it is.



we already have all 3 zero's: Haitaku is Zero' date=' Killuas is Evil Zero, and i forget who has Omega Zero but some1 does.[/color']


i think he means Rockman Zero , not Zero from the X series :|

btw there are more Zeros in the megaman universe

Zero, Omega Zero - Rockman Zero

Zero, Nightmare(evil or w/e) Zero - Rockman X

Zero Model Z also known as Girouette and Model ZX who is also Zero - Rockman ZX

oh forgot about Zero.EXE from Rockman.EXE Beast+


the only way to get a sprite for Zero.EXE is that to rip it from Megaman Battle Network Transmission......dang forgot about that game XD



i found a sprite sheet for shadow

now the only thing left is that someone creates it xD


its not mine so yeah http://retro.staticfire.co.uk/cyberforcefour/index.php?act=resdb&param=02&c=1&id=102


heh. well i dont really know about the afore mentioned mmo arcade-type game' date=' but i do appreciate that someone finally understood what i was getting at with zero.exe. thanks! ^-^ and thanks alot for the person who did the finding of the materials for a zero.exe sprite, hopefully someone can create it for me so that i can have it now? o-o' i really hope so. oh, and thanks for welcoming me to the club JBlaster!^^



okay, there is all the pertaining info. and thanks for finding it for me sonic! ^^ now if jacoby could make the sprite for me that would be great. do you see what i was talking about now xing? this should be acceptable, yyeeeeess?

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thanks! although im kind of hoping for a kick @$$ zero.exe combo thing as opposed to repeating the same thing over and over again. for example, slashcross just swings its sword repeatedly where as prometheus goes through a series of cool moves. hey, xing. you think i could have a sprite that has a 5 to 8 combo move minimum for my sprite? if so, then that would be totally awesome! ^^

oh, and also if you dont want to do it or you have trouble with the sprite making thing then maybe you could ask jacoby please? o_o' if so, i would greatly appreciate. :)

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thats freaking sweet im still trying to find a rouge one like that cause i know they make them i have a really cool one of Megaman starforce




I did it !!!


NICE!!! 8)


Thank you jblaster

i made a really nice one a last night that i will have to post




NP DUDE. That is nice. I don't see any errors...Congrats!!! You didn't need my tip after all. Good job. :D


ok i'm bored so i'm going to ask something random and totally unrelated to megaman

does anyone here play Grand Chase :|?




heh. well i dont really know about the afore mentioned mmo arcade-type game' date=' but i do appreciate that someone finally understood what i was getting at with zero.exe. thanks! ^-^ and thanks alot for the person who did the finding of the materials for a zero.exe sprite, hopefully someone can create it for me so that i can have it now? o-o' i really hope so. oh, and thanks for welcoming me to the club JBlaster!^^



NP, I hope to see you around in this club. :D

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hey, hey! JBlaster! you think that maybe you can send the sprite making info my way? i dont know if i'll have what i need to make sprites, but i think i cuold really get into it! btw xing, if i make my own zero.exe sprite, you think i could use that? just wondering if it might actually be cool with the powers that be for this chat if its done that way, although i'll understand if its not allowed.



..................ARGH!!! I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO CALL MY GAMESTOP AND TELL THEM THAT I NEED A MUCH LONGER HOLD FOR MSF 3!!! ..............aaaawwww man. i gotta do that when i get home!

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