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Megaman-SH Club


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i would like to be in the conversation but i didnt really feel like reading the book shadow typed


so filling me in would be cool


well basically his idea was that MMBN and MMZ whould have been a better crossover than the new one BN x SF crossover "operator shooting star". Since as you know in MMZ3 you could enter cyberspace similar to the internet world in BN' date=' since all of the cyberelf's materialize there. Also another concept of the game was that instead of 3x3 Squares you would have 3x3 octagon diamonds making it more possible for "combo chips" to be performed more easily also another add on to the diamond octagons is that you could move more easily from panel to panel, also the center panel whould mean X2 Attack


oh snap i hope you understand what i just wrote T-T



ya i got ya

thats kinda dumb idea

star force and battle network are both technically online and in electronics so they work togather. plus the game play is almost the same so it is a better combo

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Thanks for understanding everybody.

As for the new Megaman game. I guess you could say, I can wait. I never acctually went on to the Star Force series. Don't know why, just haven't. I might though. After Megaman Battle Network 5, I kinda stop collecting the Megaman games. I'm kinda thinking of going back and collecting some of the original Megaman games.

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u should get it

there really funn

even they look like there not cause u only have 3 panels to move on



We will see. I'm short on money at the moment anyway. And what do you mean you only have 3 panels to move on!? You should have like 9. Or is that just BN.

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well i'll get it.....well download it and play it on an emulator of course XD

but truth be told, i disliked the BN and SF battle system

i'm used to the battle system use in the original megaman games(classic, X, Zero, ZX, DASH!)

one of the main reasons are that in my opimion those aren't real megaman games for instance megaman in BN is just a computer program mixed with a human brain, and in SF, megaman is an alien that merges with a human kid

the only story that i liked out of BN and SF, is SF...cuz i liked Misora alot ^^

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I'd like to join, if that's alright. I'm not too much of a spriter, but I can research like a fiend (and by 'fiend', I mean 'Kozaky').


Also, @ .:Dark Armed Xing:., emulators are only illegal if you A) don't own the system they emulate or B) don't own the game you're using the emulator to run (e.g., you're doing something illegal if you're running Battle Network 1 on the VisualBoyAdvance and had never bought or owned the game, but if you had bought the game a long while back and lost it you're OK if you use the emulator to play once more). It's also perfectly legal to use an emulator to run a ROM-hack, like Super Kaizo World.


. . . If you're wondering why I know that piece of trivia obscura, one word: 'Touhoumon'.


That said, I hope to contribute to this board (but I'll only put the information that I'm in this club in my sig once I'm accepted).

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umm Xing emulator aren't illegal, from what i heard on the net only roms are SORTA illegal but not entirely

since i hack all the roms that are translated from japaneze to english xD........wait that didn't come out right -_-, whati ment was that if something is missing from a english rom i rip it appart and then i'd put whatever it was missing into the english version from the original one (japaneze)

great now i'm confused @[email protected] time to go to sleep tommorow i have an oral exam on english and i have to be in awake mode and not sleep mode -.-

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Well' date=' what Navi do you want. I'll have jacoby or me make it.



Hmm... How about Darkman.EXE, from MMBN3. Preferably showing off his color changes and signature technique (Trope Sign "Godd*mned Bats"), in the following order: Fire [tower], Ice [wave], Electric [beam {think 'KillerEye'}], Bats.


EDIT: If that's not asking for too much/being too picky.

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sorry i was gone for so long. i got sick and had to stay home for a while. alright, so i can't use zero themed ones huh? hmmmmmm.......evil zero omega zero and regular zero are all taken......what about the zero from the battle network series? i know that he never had an appearance in any of the video games or series, but thats just because for the video game, idk and for the series, it wasn't popular enough to continue it after the axess arc for here in america. also im my previous post i made an error that i would like to correct. what i meant to say was that since i chose the nick shadow-zero it would 'make sense' if i had a zero based navi. so how about that xing? can i use the zero from the battle network series? because if so that is what i would prefer. however, if not then i'll settle for forte.exe from the bn series. oh, and i will remove what i got from photobucket out of my sig.

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I'm goin' to Gamestop on Tues to get it and SFIV.

I'll probably get Black Ace' date=' but REd Joker is cool. Which one did you get DSS?





No thanks


Well' date=' what Navi do you want. I'll have jacoby or me make it.



Hmm... How about Darkman.EXE, from MMBN3. Preferably showing off his color changes and signature technique (Trope Sign "Godd*mned Bats"), in the following order: Fire [tower], Ice [wave], Electric [beam {think 'KillerEye'}], Bats.


EDIT: If that's not asking for too much/being too picky.




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